From: Perth, Australia
Sounds like: Pop/Punk
1. How did you get started with music and how did you develop your sound? Who thought of the name “Ready To Fire” and is there any meaning behind it?
We started out back in 2010 through our local music school. I was learning drums and Donna was learning guitar when a teacher in the school decided he’d throw us together to become a cover band. By 2013 we had added my long-time mate Kim Thair on board and Donna’s friend Harrison Smith leaving behind the covers and kick starting what would then be known as ‘Ready To Fire’. In the short space of the year since then we’ve written a ton of songs, and thrown ourselves into the local music scene. It’s been hectic, but we’re living out our dreams and we wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
2. What do you want listeners to take away from your music? How has the response to the "Ready To Fire" EP been since its release?
No matter how far we get as a band the thing that stands out as a real goal and achievement for us is attracting fans. If we can change anybody’s life in a positive way be that through some kicks live shows or providing music for them to listen to when life sucks we’ve done our jobs.
The release of the ‘Ready To Fire’ EP drew a huge response at the launch show, it honestly stands out as one of my favourite memories. The fact that so many people that we had met or impressed along the way came down and pitched in to get a copy meant the world to us. Since then we’ve continued to play as many shows as we can bringing the EPs along with us; and whether the room is full or contains 20 people, we’ve always left each show with another new fan who either bought an EP or liked the page. One fan can make a huge difference and slowly the numbers have built up.
3. How would you describe your music to the average listener?
Energetic and uplifting. There’s some killer vocals, incredible guitar solos and a ton of highs and lows within each track. You’ll always get a different track from us and we hate filler.
4. What can people expect from your live show?
Imagine the tracks from the EP with ten times the intensity and throw in some unpredictability and you’ve got yourself a RTF live show. We try our best to engage the crowd in between our nonsensical banter and experimentation but it’s always a laugh. We haven’t forgot our cover roots either and always throw in a modern or classic track, done Ready To Fire style, for new fans to sing along to.
5. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
There’s so many amazing bands out there, to be on a national tour with any of them would be a dream come true; however I think the ultimate goal for any of us would be Green Day, Paramore or All Time Low; especially for Donna. She loves Alex Gaskarth.
6. Any crazy show stories?
Every now and again we play Blink 182’s All The Small Things, however to mix it up and get everyone fully into it we pull people up onto the stage to play it. We’ve had fans come up and play bass, guitar and even sing! It’s always a blast.
7. What’s your take on the current state of pop/punk?
Pop Punk has never been bigger. There’s an incredible amount of bands out there giving it all at each and every show, and there’s a huge fanbase to play for. Just look at the Warped Tour lineup and you can see the endless potential there. Every band looks after each but they also want to stand out and be the best so you can expect some great music with every release.
8. What’s the current music scene like there in the AU both locally and state wide?
Australia is a tough music scene. The Eastern States is thriving however over West here there are limited venues... but that doesn’t stop punters coming out. The positives are that every musician in the scene looks out for each other and if you can play a solid show you will score the gigs everybody wants to play.
9. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?
Downloading music has become so everyday that virtually everyone who has a laptop or computer probably does it. And as much as it sucks that a lot of music isn’t being paid for I think it’s a positive for the industry overall as it pushes bands to lift their game and make records that make fans want to spend money on. It also forces more bands to go on tours to earn money which means more live shows!
10. What’s next for Ready To Fire?
We’re currently in the process of recording our second EP at Sumo Studios with a close friend of mine Tristan Sturmer. The studio is incredible and will definitely provide a crisper and fuller sound compared to anything we’ve ever recorded before. This one will sound as professional as it can be and we’re so excited to release it. Keep your eyes peeled early next year!
11. Any shoutouts?
We wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for Paul Vincent seeing something in both Donna and I. We were so young when he put us together as a band and he took a gamble not many people would take today.