From: Double Run, GA
Sounds like: Alternative Rock

1. How did the band come together and form? Who thought of the name “Double Run” and is there any meaning behind it?
The band first started as a two piece acoustic formed by brothers Mark and Jason Brown. Mark would jam with other musicians in the area when Jason and he weren’t playing, and through fellow guitarist Scotty King he met the first bassist of Double Run, Jeremy King. Jeremy introduced Mark to Tyler, and after a 45 minute jam session, it was clear that Tyler was what Double Run needed. When Jeremy made a decision to take his music in a different direction, Double Run was back to a three piece band. As fate would have it, pressing on without a bassist, Double Run played a local gig, never knowing their future bassist was watching from the shadows. Alex, who would later only be known as “The Hair”, was so into the set that he retreated to the back rooms of the venue and proceeded to jam along on his bass while listening to the ongoing show. When Mark found out, he conferred with Jason and Tyler, and soon the four piece that they had envisioned was alive again.
As for the name, “Double Run” is the hub of the community the four boys grew up in. Never wanting to forget their roots, the boys decided to name the band after the people and place that raised them.
2. Your new release “While We Wait” is soon to be released. What do you want listeners to take away from it?
“While We Wait” is us. The first album “Brother” was the first date of our band. “While We Wait” broke the barrier, allowing us to kick our shoes off and get comfortable being who we were, essentially coming into our own. We want our listeners to see our new direction and see the maturation of our music.
3. How would you describe your music to the average listener?
Everything we’ve ever written is derived from true feelings. If you feel love, hate, despair, joy in our music, it came from a life experience, and we felt it too. Our music starts with a quiet room and a memory or anticipation. We don’t concern ourselves too much with genres. If we stay true to ourselves we don’t believe our fans will fret over whether or not we sound rock, alternative, country, etc.
4. What can people expect from your live show?
They can expect us to show up with everything we’ve got. Our live shows are the sustenance that keeps us going, and our greatest memories are the interactions with our fans. We have a good time, and we get everyone involved.
5. Who are three bands you’d like to tour with?
We’re behind local music, and if anyone has the boldness to get up and perform their own music, we would stand with them. Genre is irrelevant. We’ve met some amazing musicians along our journey, and we’d love to see a tour with bands like The Walkabout Kings from Americus, GA, Hott with Harry Leggs from Nashville, TN and the Wailin’ Wolves from Tallahassee, FL. Of course every band would like to stand on stage with their inspiration, but we believe the only way to foster in the new generations of music is to walk the line together.
6. Who did the design work behind the new album and what was the inspiration?
Jason’s wife Shannon has done the leg work on everything we have as far as media/photography/public relations. The album artwork for the “Brother” album was derived from her extensive collection of photos of the bands year from 2011 and artfully put together to make the booklets and covers. The sleeve work for “While We Wait” represents the anticipation we’ve had for our second full length album. When we realized we were another year from our release date, we wanted to put out something to keep the energy of the band flowing. The clocks are set at 3:33, which is the exact length of time for the first song “Slip Away”. We have a habit of doing odd things like that. Let the last track on Brother run and you’ll know what we mean.
7. What’s your take on the current state of rock?
Rock is dying. Unfortunately, technology and social media has shortened the attention spans of our youth, and the appreciation for clever lyrics, heart-throbbing riffs and breathtaking solos has given way to auto-tuning and lyrics written to sell rather than to tell a story. However, we intend to fight against the tides of change and to continue to promote intelligent and true songwriting.
8. What’s the music scene like there in GA both locally and state wide?
Country. Country, country, country. Nothing wrong with country. We live in the country state. However, we’d love to rock it up a bit. Because there’s nothing wrong with rock.
9. What’s your take on legal/illegal music downloading?
This is the best quote ever about buying music/paying for bands/etc:
“A guy calls the musicians' guild to get a quote on a six piece band for a wedding. The rep says "Off the top of my head, about $2000". He says, "WHAT? FOR MUSIC?" The rep responds "I'll tell you what. Call the plumbers' union and ask for six plumbers to work from 6 to midnight on a Saturday night. Whatever they charge you, we'll work for half."
Basically, we love our work as musicians, but that’s just it, it’s still work. The time, money, travel and learning that goes into music costs us, and most of the time (at the local level especially) what we ask for in payment just barely covers the money we’ve put in to creating our albums, merchandise and getting to the gigs.
Please, please, support local music and purchase albums and merch from the bands, or watch your local music scene die.
10. What’s next for Double Run?
We have amassed enough material for our best album yet. We are currently in the process of laying out the album order, getting the designs, and we plan to hit the studio very soon. We are also considering an acoustic album, as we have a lot of material that’s great listening for a lazy day.
11. Any shoutouts?
Where to start. From back home, the supporters are endless in numbers, and it would take a book to name them all. But we know whose shoulders we are standing on, and we love every one of them. Professionally, Mr. Greg Hobbs at Upper Room Recordings has guided us through recording our first two albums. Patrick Rippman of Bootleg Productions created the music video for Levitate, and has an amazing artistic mind. Venues such as Cypress Grill in Cordele, GA, DR’s in Rochelle, GA and Doe Doe’s in Sylvania, GA and many more support local music (and feed us well!) and for that we are grateful! Of course our families put up with our obnoxious noise-making and late nights. Last but definitely not least, we thank God for our talents, and for allowing us to continue to do what we love.
The end (but not really).