-Interview- Apex Of Apathy (8/18/12)

Apex Of Apathy
From: Las Vegas, NV
Sounds like: Post Hardcore


1. You guys just released the “Patience” EP back in July. How has the response been thus far?

We were surprised at how quickly the EP caught on. The fans really seem to be enjoying it. We have sing-alongs at every show.

2. How would you describe your music to the average listener? How did the name “Apex Of Apathy” come about?

We usually describe our music as post-hardcore/experimental with pop-punk and progressive elements.

As for the name Apex of Apathy, Adam came up with it about four years ago. Ever since then the name just stuck.

3. Is there a favorite track that you like to play live? Favorite crowd track?

Our favorite song to play live has got to be “Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment.” It is one of our most dynamic songs and it allows our guitar players to show off their talent a little bit.

For a long time the favorite crowd track was “April Showers,” but right now it’s probably “Romanticism.”

4. What can people expect from your live show?

You can expect nothing but energy from our shows. We like to get rowdy. One of our primary goals is to become known as that band that puts on great live performances.

5. How is the music scene there in Las Vegas?

The music scene is not so good here. All age venues keep getting shut down and it’s getting harder and harder to get quality shows. Vegas still has many kickass bands, just no kickass venues.

6. What are you currently listening to?

We recently played a show with a really cool band called From Indian Lakes. Since then we’ve been listening to their album quite a bit.

7. What’s your take on illegal/legal music downloading?

Illegal downloading, to us, is like a double edged sword. On one hand, it allows you to listen to any band at the click of a button without having to spend your money, which in this economy is very helpful. I know most of us wouldn’t have found the bands we love if it weren’t for illegal downloading. Conversely, it does hurt the artists. Bands can’t make money off of their cds anymore and are forced to adapt or die to this new situation. I know people say that you should do music for the love of it, but musicians have bills just like everyone else.

8. Who are some of your influences?

Well, that’s complicated. Every member of the band has very different influences. Alex’s favorite bands are early Against Me! and Bright Eyes. Adam mainly listens to bands like Coheed and Cambria, Tides of Man, and Every Time I Die. Morgan is an uncompromising metalhead. And Clayton is really into Silverstein and Rise Against.

9. What do you want listeners to take away from your music?

We want listeners to hear the story we’re telling and relate it to their own lives.

10. What’s next for Apex Of Apathy?

Right now we are still promoting our EP “Patience”. We are also currently in the process of writing our first full length album and are looking for it to drop in 2013. After that, we are going to tour, tour, tour.

11. Any shoutouts?

We’d like to say thank you to the following:

Garbage Tree for being awesome.

Inherit the Sky for being an inspiration to us.

Steven Goldberg for being one of the most positive influences on the Las Vegas music scene.

Most importantly we want to say thank you to all of our fans and supporters. We would be nothing without all of you.

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