Genre: Post hardcore
Interviewed on: 5/29/12
From: Boulder, MT
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1. You guys have been around since 2009, how much of a difference in progression have you seen through the band over the years?
Well When we started we were just a three piece, Phil Played guitar and sang, Brian played bass and chris on drums. Before we did our first REAL tour we got a call From Zach wanting to play guitar. Then just this last year we recruited our long time tour buddy and friend Colin started playing guitar and he quickly made the band that much more dynamic and really made our music a lot more tight.
2. You guys are just about to release the new single “GTT, FE”, when will you be releasing the EP?
We plan on going back to Portland in September to finish up the EP, We have three more songs to record and plan on releasing the EP mid to early October. We don't have an exact date yet.
3. What’s your favorite track to perform live and why? Well I think all of us really have different songs that we like but I would say "Chomnivore" Is a great song to play in our hometown of MT.
4. What’s the music scene like there in Montana?
The Montana Scene is great its a bunch of friends trying to play music together. So many great people out there in every town we go to. our fans are true and loyal. Montanas doesn't have a huge amount of people though. So we try to Travel out of state a lot.
5. How was it working with Kris Crummett of Interlace Audio (The Devil Wears Prada, Lower Definition) for the new record?
The greatest experience, he is such a cool and genuine person. He definitely makes you see the work you have to put in to make a song sound great. He finds the most true tone. definitely understands how to make a song sound delicious!
6. What three bands would you love to play a show with?
Three? Oh man there's so many. For our band collectively? Glassjaw, Everytime I Die, The Felix Culpa.
7. What are you guys currently listening to?
Bon Iver, Night Verses, Idlehands, New John Mayor, Letlive., My Body Sings Electric, Gatsbys American Dream, I AM THE OCEAN, Settle Down, Her Candane, Minus the Bear.
8. What can people expect from your live show?
Pure randomness, we never plan out what we are going to do we just have fun and always try to leave the fans with something memorable. A bunch of goofy dudes sweat, and play loud music!
9. What’s your take on illegal/legal music downloading?
Well we think if you're illegally downloading music, then download A Midnight Drive!
10. What’s next for A Midnight Drive?
Well we have a few shows were looking forward to. Crucial Fest in Salt lake, Our Battle Of the Bands In Missoula with some really cool Montana bros, and Elko NV at Shooters Bar is always fun in Nevada. Summer fun and and this fall going back to finish the EP! So lots of fun!
11. Any shoutouts?
So Many!!! Hide and Seek Clothing, Josh Soldiers, Safe Clothing, Little Giants, Icarus the Owl, Elko Bros, I Am the Ocean, Settle Down, Her Candane, Bloodoath, Black Orchids Bloom, Anchor music, Haunted By Waters, Victor Johnson, Rumor Has It, Amidst the Chaos, WSCB, All our Familys and Friends. If we forgot you we apologize, but we love you too!