-Interview- Districts (ex Geroff) (5/4/12)

Genre: Pop-core
Interviewed on: 5/4/12
From: Melbourne, Australia
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1. How did the name Geroff come from? Who thought of it?

Our clean singer Ben came up with the name. It was our first ever name idea and I think it will stay hopefully.
We really like it as it is completely different to any other band name and really simple, easy to remember.

2. How would you describe your music to the average listener? How did the title of the EP “Moving On” come about?

Our music is a mix of pop punk and hardcore. We have the catchy choruses and still have the heaviness that most hardcore bands do. As for the name Moving On, it came to us when we were going through all the lyrics and it basically sums them all up.

3. What’s your favorite track to perform live and why?

Probably Home Away From Home, we all love that song as its one of the more heavier tracks and it’s always a good one to play!

4. What’s the music scene like there in Australia?

The music scene here is pretty awesome, there are some great local bands that are full of talent but are basically unheard of and hopefully they will definitely be going places.

5. When can people expect the new material? Do you guys have a release date in mind?

Right now we are going to focus on playing as many shows as possible and try get a bigger fan base, but having said that, we are always writing and coming up with new material, maybe we will have something out early next year, maybe not!

6. What three bands would you love to play a show with?

blink-182, Your Demise, The Amity Affliction

7. What are you guys currently listening to?

The new Your Demise album, The Wonder Years, The Story So Far, Carpathian and a bit of Heroes for Hire. We are also eagerly waiting the release of the new House vs Hurricane, Amity Affliction and Deez Nuts new albums too!

8. What’s your take on the hardcore scene nowadays?

It’s progressive. Of course it’s not going to be the same kind of shit coming out every year and bands are progressing and creating new sub-genre's all the time

9. What’s your take on illegal/legal music downloading?

We don’t really have an opinion on this, because yes it is stealing and does put bands out of pocket a lot of the time, but then again it’s constant exposure to the masses and for us it’s all about getting our music to as many people as we can. That’s the reason why we released this EP for free because we just wanted people to listen to us.

10. What’s next for Geroff?

Shows, writing, and hopefully another EP in the making!

11. Any shoutouts?

Everyone that has listened to our music and has supported us, thank you! We wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t for you all! <3 and Rhys Brennan our man!

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