Genre: Pop-core
Interviewed on: 5/10/12
From: Red Bank, NJ
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1. How did the name "Burned At Both Ends" come from? Who thought of it?
Tom: Before the band even had started, I had just discovered the NY pop punk band, With The Punches, and I heard their song "Burned At Both Ends" and thought to myself, "This is what I hope to play and write with my next band." So yeah, the name just stuck from there. It also can kinda relate to how our band has some heavy influences, but also able to be softer and nice with Brooke as our vocalist.
2. How would you describe your music to the average listener? Have you had any comments about girls being in the band?
Tom: I would describe it as just something different yet familiar. It's very hard to explain. As for girls being in the band; we haven't heard negative comments about it. People always come up to us and always compliment Brooke's voice and Nicole's drumming. It's something you just don't see that often in the music scene.
Hugo: Well, everytime someone asks me about our music I refer to Paramore because they have a girl singer and it's still somehow punk/rock but we also have breakdowns and we do get comments about Brooke and Nicole because its not that often that you see a band like this with 2 girls, but the comments are definitely positive.
Nicole: I would describe our music to the average listener as awesome! But kinda different. I have had comments on girls being in the band and as being one of the girls I always get complimented all the time! its cool. and I can tell people look at me and Brooke and are just like woah thats awesome! A girl drummer and a girl singer!
3. What's your favorite track to perform live and why?
Tom: My favorite would have to be Timeless Art Of Seduction. It's just such an energetic song live. It really gets me hyped up and what not. It's really just basically one of those songs where it's a huge "kick in the teeth" kind of excitement.
Hugo: Blasphemy. its such a great song and i enjoy jumping around and just being on stage playing it but my favorite part is the breakdown because its probably one of the heaviest ones we have so far.
Nicole: My favorite song to play live is Not My Problem because it starts out soft with the guitar and comes in heavy and theres a breakdown in there. Personally its my favorite song to play live its really fun.
Criss: My favorite is Last Call, Lost Cause because it starts off so fast and just keeps that pace through out the whole song. It's very high energy and it has the ability to make everyone jump.
4. What's the music scene like there in NJ?
Tom: It really depends on where you go, who you ask, and who else goes to the shows. There are PLENTY of other amazingly talented bands that we have been lucky to share a stage with. But then I've seen plenty of bands and kids in crowds that just have no regard for anyone else around them. A while ago, some pretty popular little venues were shut down because of kids disrespecting the venues and breaking things. But lately, after a few of the shows that we have played at, it seems like people are starting to get friendlier with each other, having more of a blast instead of trying to be a "tough guy." The support is starting to come back, and it's a good sign. Is the scene going to actually get a lot better to what it used to? No idea. But if everyone keeps taking these little steps and making an effort to be kind and supportive towards everyone, then I will be able to tell you that the music scene is good.
Hugo: i think it's getting better. Bands are helping each other more and supporting more than when i joined BABE.
Nicole: we are starting to get a lot more support than we used to. all the bands we play with support everyone out and we always support them too its like were all friends and we always play with them again.
5. When can people expect new material? Do you guys have a release date in mind?
Tom: We just recorded a brand new single titled "Day By Day." We are currently just waiting for it to be mixed, mastered, and finished up. I couldn't tell you an exact date, but I can assure you that it will be out before May 25th.
As for a brand new EP, we are not sure on that at all. Around this time last year, we were getting plans of recording our very first EP, and that was recorded and released on Dec. 23rd, 2011. So who knows? Maybe there will be another EP released around Christmas 2012.
6. What three bands would you love to play a show with?
Tom: Real Friends, We Are The In Crowd, Veara
Hugo: Say Anything, We Came As Romans and D.R.U.G.S.
Nicole: Bullet For My Valentine, Paramore, and A Day To Remember
Criss: Saves The Day, Tera Melos, Fang Island
7. What are you guys currently listening to?
Tom: I've had Real Friends on repeat for a few weeks now. They are just not getting old. In the CD player part of my stereo, I have Bad Case Of Big Mouth's Baseball EP spinning. I've also had The Fray, Senses Fail, Secondhand Serenade, Brand New, and Tonight Alive pass through on my "recently played" section of my iPod.
Hugo: We Came As Romans, Sleeping With Sirens, For All Those Sleeping, Say Anything and Simple Plan, they never get old.
Nicole: Of mice and Men, Sleeping With Sirens, Blink 182
Criss: Odd Future, Saves The Day, The Postal Service, Eyedea & Abilities, Sage Francis, Maps & Atlases amd Clousure in Moscow
8. What's your take on the pop-punk/hardcore scene nowadays?
Tom: There aren't really many bands out there. It's really either just pop punk or hardcore. It's somewhat tough to find the both of them together. You don't always find pop-punk/hardcore, but when you do, it sounds amazing (Bad Case Of Big Mouth for example).
Hugo: Im a hardcore guy so i do enjoy being in our shows and listening to some hardcore music combined with some pop-punk.
Nicole: im not sure actually i mostly like playing pop-punk/hardcore i dont really pay attention to the scene much
Criss: The scene is a mixed bag because for every few gems there are a few rotten ones. I wish the scene was a bit more progressive rather than pop-punk but beggers can't be choosers.
9. What's your take on illegal/legal music downloading?
Tom: I don't really think album sales matter as much as they used to these days. Most of any band's profit these days are coming merch, shows, tours, sponsors, etc... Big record labels these days just take most of the album sales for themselves and give the bands tiny fractions of a penny per album. Although, if I do happen to hear an amazing album that really moves me and what not, I will buy the real album as soon as possible. It's just what I do. If it is a local artist, I will always try to purchase something of theirs to support though.
Hugo: There are some albums that are worth paying for. what i do is download them and depending if i like them or no then i would buy the real album to support the band because i know what they go through and its not fair all their effort for people to just illegally download their music without playing for them
Nicole: I dont think illegal downloading is right. yeah getting songs for free is awesome but i dont think its fair that the people that created the music don't get money to support them to go further. Legal downloading gives the bands who made the music the money they deserve and help them to go further to make more songs for their fans.
Criss: If I'm at a show I will buy the cd and every week I do go out of my way to buy a new CD just so I can show some support to the bands who need it. I love having the booklet and physical copy of the CD. If the band is really good I will buy a vinyl.
10. What's next for Burned At Both Ends?
Tom: Just lots of shows, new songs, and a lot more energy. We are basically trying to fill our entire summer with tons of shows and what not.
Hugo: Lots of shows, lots of new songs and hopefully a tour soon.
Nicole: Great Big Things!
Criss: Shows and shows and shows and shows. Then writing enough songs for an LP.
11. Any shoutouts?
Tom: Mom, I love you! BCOBM men, you're awesome! OnceByTheAtlantic, Stereotypical, The Stolen, Scout's Honor,
Paint The Town Careless, Stella Entertainment, and everyone who has ever come to any of our shows or supported us in some way, I love you!
Hugo: My parents that support everything i do, my friends, the bands that have helped us on a show and every single person that helps us to get where we are and also to keep going as far as we can.
Nicole: thank you friends who have always been there for me and family who has supported me and our band! and all bands that always support us along the way!
Criss: Thanks to my Grandparents who always help me get through everything and to all my friends that come out to support us at shows. It really helps to lift our spirits.