-Interview- 1Alliance (3/23/11)

(From The Depths Entertainment)

Genre: Metal/Punk.
Interviewed on: 3/23/11
From: Stafford, VA


1. You guys are a fairly young band. How did the band come together?

We started playing in the summer of 2010 doing covers. We went through a lineup change and when our bassist came into play we started writing original music. After a couple of shows, we removed our drummer and recorded our first demo in January 2011 and right after that we added our current drummer, making our current lineup.

2. How did the recording process of "Watch Me As I Self Destruct" EP go?

It was a learning experience, but at the same time it was long and tiring. We should've planned things out better and our vocalist was sick during the recording process.

3. You guys are re-recording the album but with more songs. What's the tentative rlease date and do you record yourself or you have a studio in mind?

The release date for that EP is late summer/early fall 2011 and we have a few studios in mind, but nothing's set in stone.

4. Your sound is very unique, how would you describe it to a potiental listener?

You decide for yourself.

5. How were your shows with The Faceless and Arsis?

The Faceless show was nerveracking due to it being our first live performance and us not really "fitting in" with any of the other bands there. The Arsis show, however, was much better. We knew what to expect and got a great response from the crowd.

6. What can people expect from a 1Alliance show? You guys excited for the upcoming I,Breather show?

Lots of energy and movement, crowd interaction, and our songs. Yes we are excited, by the way.

7. What's the local music scene like there in Virginia?

A bunch of heavy metal and grindcore bands.

8. How much of your influences (All That Remains, Underoath, Iron Maiden) do you think you add to your music?

We don't really know, our influences vary from a lot of different genres like metal to classical to blues. However, we don't let it affect our music, we try to make ourselves as unique as possible.

9. What's next for 1Alliance?

Way more shows, more new songs, and an album by the end of the year.

10. Any shoutouts?

Our families, friends, girlfriends, God, and everybody we have ever met.

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