-Interview- Almost Failed (2/20/11)

Almost Failed
(From The Depths Entertainment)

Genre: Melodic Hardcore.
Interviewed on: 2/20/11
From: Linz, Austria


1. How did you guys come together? How did the name come about?

Except of our drummer everyone of us has been in a band before. We often hung out and decided to make music together. Then we found our drummer on the Internet and started to write songs. The story behind our name is really funny, but in short: We went to a band contest we wanted to see and in the end our two guitarists almost got arrested because of something they didn't even do and our bass player also got lost on this evening. In the end everything went smooth, but we "almost failed"!

2. How would you best describe your sound to a new listener?

It's always a tricky thing to describe your own sound, most of the bands would now say that their music can't be put in any genre but c'mon there is always a genre that describes it the best. Melodic Hardcore with an idea behind it would be the best description.

3. What can people expect from your upcoming album? Is it titled yet?

We wouldn't call it an album because it will only contain of six songs, but it will definitively be a fast one with intense breakdowns combined with catchy melodies and some sing-along parts. There is no title for it yet, but by July when we are going to record the EP there will be one.

4. Being from Austria, what's the music scene there like? Any thoughts on touring in the US?

In Austria it's very hard to make it as a metal or hardcore band, because the music scene here doesn't really give shit about this kind of genre! And that's sad, 'cause there are many bands in this country that have great potential and just can't develop. For this reason we already talked about touring the US and right now we are planning everything for the tour, but we do not have the exact dates yet.

5. You guys just released the track "Playing With Wolves". How has the response been thus far?

Response has been pretty good so far. We didn't expect so many positive comments and likes in this small period of time we have this song online.

6. What can people expect from a Almost Failed live show?

People coming to one of our shows can expect 5 people standing on stage giving 200% and playing as if there lives would depend on this show!

7. Who are some of your influences?

Bands like Gallows, Bring Me The Horizon, Your Demise , Defeater, While She Sleeps, Architects, to name a few.

8. You guys have an upcoming show with More Than A Thousand. Has there been any crazy shows thus far? If so, what happened?

Yeah we are really proud to share the stage with these guys! One of our craziest shows was at Posthof, Linz. During our last song we went off the stage to play in the midst of the crowd and all the people went wild moshed and even made a circle-pit around us, that was pretty insane!

9. What are you guys currently listening to?

Defeater, Have Heart, Bring Me The Horizon, Miles Away, Letlive, Your Demise, Lower Than Atlantis, More Than Life, While She Sleeps, Dead Swans, Casey Jones, Architects, More Than A Thousand , August Burns Red, Parkway Drive, City And Color and Mumford And Sons.

10. What’s next for Almost Failed?

Next thing on our to-do-list is recording our EP in July and than touring and playing as much shows as possible.

11. Any shoutouts?

We would like to thank all the people who came to one of our shows, bought a shirt or just hung out with us, it really means a lot to us! And of course From The Depths Entertainment for believing in us and supporting us in every possible way.

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