-Interview- I Am The Messenger 7/14/09

I Am The Messenger

Genre: Upbeat Metalcore akin to Bury Tomorrow or House Vs Hurricane .
Interviewed on: 7/14/09
From: Cincinnati, OH


1. How did you guys come up with the name "I Am The Messenger"?

We try to have positive overtones to our music. We aren't a "Christian" band, but we try to send people with a positive message of hope and being the change they want to see in the world. And a message of acceptance of others. With a message that we think is a pretty strong one, the name kind of fell into our laps.

2. You guys are from Ohio, what's the music scene like locally there?

Kids from Cincinnati are amazing. They are very supportive of bands, and the unity that has built in the music scene in the past few years makes us want to be nowhere else. There are so many talented bands and so many amazing fans who follow them. And, while we don't have many venues here, the ones we have are fair and incredibly easy to work with.

3. The band has been together since 2005, what are some things you have learned since the formation of the band?

We have learned a lot about working as a team. We divide up tasks to individuals. We have learned to put our personal interests behind us when they aren't in the interest of the band as a whole. This goes for songwriting too. We don't have a prime songwriter. We write the songs together, and they come out better than they would if we wrote them individually.

4. What can someone expect from a I Am The Messenger live show?

Energy! We have tons of fun on stage, but we are always energetic. We put our heart into our songs, and I think it shows live. We like to get the crowd involved, as well.

5. You guys are touring Kentucky soon including a show with Rose Funeral (Metal Blade Records), you guys amped for the tour?

It's actually just a one-off show. But, yes. We are very excited. It should be a great show. A lot of people have expressed interest in coming out.

6. Any good show stories?

Actually, the most recent was just last night. We had a band member who lost a close family member, and we had a benefit show for the family to help cover funeral costs. It was great to be able to see the family members get a night of relaxation. It was clear they had some fun, despite the fact that the music on the show wasn't really what they are into, as you could imagine. But it was really amazing...so many people came together to help throw together a very successful show. It was a really great experience.

7. You guys just released your EP "Robots", how has the reaction been to it thus far?

The reaction has been great actually. Lots of kids already learning the lyrics, singing them along at our shows, and adding the songs to their Myspace pages.

8. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

I wouldn't say that I am for or against it. I don't think that there is anyone who can say that they aren't guilty of downloading SOMETHING. But, it is still product, which isn't made for stealing. At the same time, I think that the music industry has done a decent job of bouncing back. Ever since the file sharing revolution, ticket prices have gone up for events. Bands used to make money off CD sales and now bands profit from tours. At least on a national level.

9. What are you guys currently listening to?

I can't speak for everyone, but I have recently gotten into MC Lars. Also, the new Devil Wears Prada is amazing. Other CDs that frequent my CD player (or the "most played iPod list) are the new Taking Back Sunday, various Jimmy Eat World albums (all great, and never get old), Michael Jackson (and not just because of his passing, been a fan since I was 5). And I have gotten into Alexisonfire recently as well.

10. What's next for I Am The Messenger?

We are working on establishing management and taking steps to further our local career to more of a regional level. We are still a young band and have a lot of steps to take to get there. We are taking the next several months to expand our name and make ourselves known.

11. Any shoutouts?

Honestly, if we were to mention all the people we love and love working with, we would be here a while. But just a few are Zach Wright and Bazookas Go Bang (myspace.com/bazookasgobang), The Beneath (myspace.com/thebeneath), Chris Human, Ron Williams, and of course every one of our fans.

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