-Interview- And Then There Were None 12/5/08

And Then There Were None
(Tooth And Nail Records)

Genre: Dance synth rock/pop akin to Head Automatica or Cobra Starship.
Interviewed on: 12/5/08
From: Salem, New Hampshire


1. First off, how you guys doin? How's the tour coming along so far?

We are doing really well. So far the shows have been awesome. We love playing anything with Ej Emarce in Boston.

2. You guys recently got signed to Tooth And Nail Records ( Underoath,
Emery), how did that come about?

Last year, after we started releasing Demos, we began to gain some label interest. We decided on Tooth and Nail early on as the general consensus of the band was that it would be a great fit for ATTWN.

3. What can we expect from the upcoming album "Who Speaks For Planet Earth"?
Does the name of the album have any meaning behind it?

One can expect to be hear 11 very different songs and the most honest lyrics I have ever written. The album title "who speaks for planet earth?" is important to me on many levels. It originates from Carl Sagan (an amazing astronomer) who wrote the book (later, to become the movie) Contact. We decided on the title as we were imagining that our CD was the golden record placed on the Voyager 2 satellite sent into space. The satellite and disc are now the farthest man made objects from earth. Its a lot to think about, but basically, Im questioning who REALLY speaks for the entire planet....

4. When we interviewed you guys before you said that the New Hampshire scene
was evolving and very competitive, how is it now that you guys have come
through the ranks and broken through?

We have great relationships with bands like The Minus Scale, Chapter 50, Me as Time and Our Last Night. I think that we are all helping each other in one way or another and thats a great thing. New Hampshire has some of the most hardworking bands I have ever seen and I am pretty proud of it.

5. You guys remixed "Heaven" by DJ Sammy (or Bryan Adams originally), how
did that concept to remix it come together?
Good question; that was actually the first song we played when transitioning to dance. I needed to learn how to write electronic music so I mimicked Dj Sammy, yet I also wanted to add the rock style so I added my own guitar riffs. We also used the song to learn what we needed to buy to make dance/rock work in a live setting. That song signifies our learning experience this year, and its a crowd pleaser.

6. The sound you guys used to have was very metal and reminiscent of As I
Lay Dying then it changed drastically, was it something you guys wanted to
do for awhile before the release of the album "The Hope We Forgot Exists"?

I really pigeon holed myself in writing metal. As I lay Dying was one of my favorite bands by far, and it showed in the songs. We wrote "the hope we forgot exists" with full confidence, but upon its release we instantly began to experiment with new sounds. If you want to hear what happened in between check purevolume.com/attwnnewdemos. See if you can hear the dance aspect coming in to play...

7. What is your thoughts on music downloading?

I am against illegal downloading, I am for itunes. Music, like most art, is intellectual property. Just because its not tangible doesn't take away that it is an actual creation. I think the issue is less about downloading, and more about respecting art in general.

8. What are three bands you'd love to be out on tour with?

Basshunter, Alkaline Trio or Anberlin.

9. You guys worked with Matt Rhoades and Sean Sweeney, what was the
recording process like with them?

Sean and I have produced a lot of smaller records, but this was our first major recording experience. Sean is a great engineer as he really has knack for mic placement and a steadfast mentality when tracking vocals. I think as a team we produced something fresh and original. Not to mention, sean made me coffee when I needed it.

10. Is there a crowd favorite that just gets the crowd nuts when they hear

Right now I think "Action is the Anecdote" is the crowd favorite, but we have been playing a new song that people are super interested in.

11. What's next for And Then There Were None?

This will be my last time at home for a while, ATTWN will be touring forever now. Yes.

12. Any shoutouts?

Last time I shouted out to you Mike, so I think its tradition now... Mike I love you.

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