-Interview- Ace Augustine 11/22/08

Ace Augustine

Genre: Christian metalcore akin to (old) Haste The Day or August Burns Red.
Interviewed on: 11/22/08
From: Lancaster, PA


1. How's everything going? We heard you guys are recording your EP at Century Studios soon, you guys excited?

Everything is going really good so far, we just started out in early May and things are cruisin' along which looks pretty promising. We just picked up a new synth player, Brandon Klinger, who is really adding to the sound of our band. We checked out Carson's studio earlier this week and its top notch stuff, totally excited.

2. What can we expect from the EP? How many songs?

For starters we used to play in drop D, and now we are switching over to drop D which is going to make things real tight. Also there will be 5 songs featured on the EP which we hope to have out sometime in late January or early February if all goes well.

3. Being from the same city as August Burns Red and seeing them get national exposure, what is the scene like now in Lancaster?

Being one of the youngest bands in the area and still in high school, its unbelievable how much the music scene is changing from the modern rock on the radio to hardcore bands. August Burns Red is a huge influence to us and we look up to them in many aspects, one mainly being there a Christian band.

4. You seem to have a old (Jimmy Ryan) influenced Haste The Day influence, what are some of your other influences?

We have so many influences, but one big one being August Burns Red and how they worked they're way up from high school kids to a national touring band.

5. You have a strong Christian background, how do you see Christianity's effect on todays hardcore music?

As musicians, we see that the music scene is starting to become more excepting of Christian bands like The Devil Wears Prada and August Burns Red. Each year there is more and more Christian hardcore bands which is pretty sweet to see.

6. What does the name "Ace Augustine" mean?

The name Ace Augustine actually dates back to "Ace" meaning "After Common Era" and "Augustine" being the Saint Augustine.

7. What do you guys think of the current state of hardcore music?

Hardcore music is rapidly growing at a crazy fast pace. The public is starting to become more excepting and you're starting to hear bands like Bullet for My Valentine start to scream on the radio and 5 Finger Death Punch.

8. If you guys could tour with three bands, who would they be?

-August Burns Red
-Devil Wears Prada
-Bring Me the Horizon

9. What are you guys currently listening to?

"Poppin Champagne" by All Time Low

10. What's next for Ace Augustine?

Our EP being the most important thing on everyone's mind, but some new merch is coming along with a new photo shoot with our bro Andy Babin and hopefully a tour if all goes well this summer.

11. Any shoutouts?

To everyone that's been there for us so far and to keep your eyes & ears open for the new EP

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