-Interview- When Girls Kiss Girls 9/4/08

When Girls Kiss Girls
(Red Rover Records)

Genre: Pop-mosh akin to A Day To Remember or Paddock Park.
Interviewed on: 9/4/08
From: Boston, MA


1. How you guys doin? How did the band come about and form?

We're doing pretty well!
the band was started by our guitarist rob when he and Kevin got together to start a new band after their former projects. They added a drummer and another guitarist then after sometime, added me (Jim) to vocals. Since then we've added Mark who does synth&vocals and we've a hard a couple of small line-up changes this year.

2. You guys are heading into the studio soon, you guys excited to lay down some tracks?

We've been trying to get in the studio for months, but so many things have put us behind schedule. We're excited to put out a new CD that reflects how our band has developed since we last recorded our first demo CD last year.

3. What can we expect from the new record?

We try to pull in a lot of our influences into our music.
The new record will definitely keep you dancing, moshing, singing and screaming. Lots of catchy vocals, punchy guitar lines, and brutal breakdowns.

4. How did you hook up with Red Rover Records?

Red Rover Records was formally a label and is more of a free-agent management company. so technically, we're unsigned and looking for a new label!

5. You guys just got finished touring not too long ago, how did that go?

We had the time of our lives! we got to meet a lot of new people and bands and made a lot of friends. we really can't wait to get on the road again when we finish our new EP.

6. If you could tour with three bands who would they be?

That's a tough choice because we all love so man bands and we all have a variety of tastes. but I think we can all agree that we'd love to tour with A Day To Remember, The Devil Wears Prada and

7. What are your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

We don't particularly mind downloading. If anything, it's helping us.
I've downloaded Albums before that I would have never bought just because I was unsure if I'd like it. After downloading it and loving it, I've often gone out and bought the actual CD or at least purchased there next CD.
I personally don't download music illegal much anymore because I'd rather support an artist by purchasing their music.

8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

It may just be a tie between "Hollywood Is Just New Jersey With Celebrities" and "Oh, Brutus!"
Hollywood is catchy, brutal, & epic. it's kind of a showing of most of the band's character.
Brutus is a catchy song interrupted by breakdowns. it's fun to play live because kids tend to get most involved with that song. whether it be moshing or chanting the line "this town ain't big enough for the both of us"

9. What are you currently listening to?

August Burns Red, Lets Get It, A Day To Remember, Circa Survive, Underoath, Four Year Strong, The Devil Wears Prada.

10. What's next for When Girls Kiss Girls?

You can expect A LOT more touring and hopefully working with a great record label!

11. Any shoutouts?

We'd like to give a shout out to Kris and everyone in NCOR from Newport, KY. Everyone who helped us out on tour and gave us a place to stay. And of course, all of of our Family, Friends, & Fans who have and continue to support us in our musical endeavors.
Stay Positive!

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