-Interview- The Rose Line 9/7/08

The Rose Line

Genre: Metalcore akin to Haste The Day or Hand To Hand.
Interviewed on: 9/7/08
From: Melbourne, Australia


Interview conducted with guitarist Mark.

1.How you guys doin? You guys have shows coming up with House Vs Hurricane and at FATE 08, you guys amped?

The HvH show should be great fun. They are top guys and produce some killer tunes. The show is the official EP launch for Embured. I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on their CD. You have to check them out. Fate 08 should be interesting as well.

2. With your debut EP "Arrival", what was your main inspiration behind the EP?

The lyrics of "Arrival" reflect on the importance of strong relationships with family and friends. The good and bad experiences with these people have been the main inspiration behind the EP.

3. How is the music scene over there in Australia?

The underground scene here is buzzing really hard at the moment. It almost feels crowded. You have to be really good at what you do and play as many shows as you can in order to get noticed.

4. You guys just added a few members, how has it been going with them?

We tried out over 20 people for the vocalist spot, and Luke was just leagues ahead of everyone. He has the clarity, diversity and range that really makes him stand out - especially on our latest pre-production recordings. Can drink too.

Russ is just a phenomenal bass player. He plays his double bass for something like 10 hours a day religiously, so his skills are off the charts. Also, he is possibly the funniest person I have met.

5. Who came up with the name "The Rose Line"? Any meaning behind it?

In the book 'The DaVinci Code', the term 'The Rose Line' has a multi-layered definition. In relation to the band, I believe it represents our efforts to try and give our songs as many musical 'layers' as possible - incorporating different styles and views from all genres. Our original bass player came up with the name - after 12 months without a name, we took it on without hesitation.

6. Any thoughts on touring the US? If you could tour with any three US acts, who would they be?

We would love to tour the US in a year or so. Once we have recorded our album and toured with it here in Australia, our first priority will be to take it to the US.

Personally, I would love to tour with Alexisonfire, The Ghost Inside or Killswitch. I have drawn a lot of inspiration from these bands lately, and they are all up in my top 10 favorite bands ever - so any of them would be awesome.

7. What are your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

It's pretty much a double edged sword.
I never used to care if people downloaded TRL's music - even when the EP was up on numerous blogs for download 3 days after it's release - because I had the satisfaction that our music was getting to people, and the band was being promoted.

The down side is that bands have to invest BLENTY (yes thats a 'B') of their own personal coin into developing themselves - because these days record companies are less inclined to part with the cash for developing bands. The end results pay off well if your successful and can afford it, but the talented young bands who can't afford the money or risk of investing in their band, don't get the opportunity to really break out.

8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

Probably 'We Close Our Eyes'. Most people who know us will know this song, and it really gets the crowd involved in so many ways. Any time we play it, there are always kids moving and/or singing along with us.

9. What are you currently listening to?

Protest the hero - Fortress still hasn't broken out of my rotation, and the new self titled A Secret Death album.

10. What's next for The Rose Line?

An album in '09. We have just finished some pre-production (that we will be posting soon) and have begun talks with several producers here in Australia and overseas.

11. Any shoutouts?

Ren Parisi from Melbourne Records - You are Da Bawmb! Thaaanks!
If anyone from Victoria, or even Australia for that matter, need to get a killer sound from a studio - see that man.

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