Genre: Metalcore akin to or As I Lay Dying or 7 Angels 7 Plagues.
Interviewed on: 9/2/08
From: Cookeville, TN
1. How you guys doin? You guys are playing with A Plea For Purging in a little while, you guys excited?
We are good man. Yeah, The A Plea For Purging Show, Honestly. I with the rest of the guys have been waiting for this show to happen for a long time. I have listened to them since the band was beginning to do anything back in late 2006. Now I get to play with them. I'm pretty excited you could say.
2. How did the band come about and form?
Well, my brother(Jared) and I wanted to play music. So we picked up a few guys in 2006 and some didn't work out. Line ups were changed and different bands were formed. but ultimately in my opinion, E.O.S. was an idea in 2006 until Brian and Andrew joined in 2008.
3. How's the new material coming along? We heard the demos but will they be pressed onto an EP at all?
Yes, the demo is actually being sold at every one of our shows. We sold out at rocketown so we are getting more but like I said. We have cd's and they are out for purchase. As for new stuff, We are in the process of writing our full length yet to be titled. Probably out next year.
4. The design work for your merch is really cool, how did the concept come about?
Well the guys and I all wanted something really colorful and something catchy. Tyler(from the fight between frames) did our work and had a similar idea as well. What resulted of the ideas was the shirt.
5. Any crazy show stories?
Well girls were hanging upside down from the ceiling.. hah nah. The coolest stories... we packed out Level 1 @ Rocketown the first time we played there and I forgot my guitar a time or two. But that's about it. haha.
6. If you could tour with three bands who would they be?
A Day To Remember, August Burns Red, The Devil Wears Prada
7. What are your thoughts on illegal music downloading?
As long as the music is being heard and liked, I don't see the problem.
8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?
Heart Of Lions i'd say , probably because i can act like I'm tough and at the same time make the pretty girls cry. =]
9. What are you currently listening to?
A Day To Remember, Mychildren Mybride, For Today,Four Year Strong, and Motionless in White
10. What's next for Eve Of Shadows?
Touring finally, A Full Length, Cornerstone '09, Melting Faces. Haha you know.
11. Any shoutouts?
My mom and Dad, Tyler from The Fight Between Frames! He did our shirts. Check him out. Our boys in Motionless In White, Guard Your Steps , His Name Is Love, and In Truth Be Valor.
and Youmost of all for checking us out.