-Interview- Beneath A Burning Sky 9/1/08

Beneath A Burning Sky

Genre: Death metal/hardcore akin to Left To Vanish or The Acacia Strain.
Interviewed on: 9/1/08
From: Philadelphia, PA


1. How you guys doin? How did the band come about and form?

We're doing pretty good. Originally the band had a pretty different line up, only 2 of the members today are original. Dom (playing guitar) and Kirk (playing drums) met via myspace and got together and then with the help of myspace again our original bassist, nick, and vocalist, Brandon were brought in. Brandon brought his friend Glenn to play rhythm guitar. Things didn't work out quite too well with Brandon and Glenn after a few months which is when Andy came to band to do vocals. Shortly after we grabbed Ed Rears for rhythm guitar. We got through a tour with that lineup and lost nick and ed, which is when our current bassist Chad, and current rhythm guitarist, Denny. And things finally fit right member wise, we are stronger than ever.

2. How's the new material coming along?

It took us a while to finally write stuff we loved playing, as well as gotten a response from. But our current set list is sick and people seem to love it. Fan favorites happen to be Owen Cant Fly and Finish what You Started. Our new stuff which we're still working on is heavy as hell and we're excited to get it recorded and play it live.

3. What do you think of the metal/hardcore genre nowadays?

I (kirk), personally think that it has taken on its own form from what metal and hardcore used to be. With the combination of the two you've gotten bands like A Day to Remember. Bands like Whitechapel, Bring me the Horizon and so many more have really set the tone for metal in my opinion.

4. What can people expect from your live show when they come and see you?

Well as any band would say, an energetic performance, which we do happen to give. We are a lot of fun live, we're fun loving dudes and like to have a good time. A lot of dancing, gang chants, and everything good one could expect when seeing a decent band live.

5. Any crazy show stories?

Nothing to write home about, Denny has played in a tiger costume. crazy? not quite, but I'm sure we'll get some eventually.

6. If you could tour with three bands who would they be?

Damn, that's a hard question. My personal choice would be Whitechapel, Acacia Strain and All Shall Perish. But anyone whose willing to tour with us, really. Tour is fun as hell no matter who you're with.

7. What are your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

Music isnt about money, I dont know how many times it needs to be said. Get that shit however you can. I dont know if i can speak for everyone but I would have no problem with people downloading our shit, I'd encourage it. As long as people are interested in us, its all good.

8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

My favorite song, damn. theres a few. I have 3, actually. In no specific order: First is str8 h8, because its just a fun song to play with a sick ass 2 step. 2nd is Owen Cant Fly, because everyone who comes to see us gets in on the gang chant in it and its a fun time, not to mention a pretty gnarly breakdown at the end. And third is finish what you started because we're all from the Philly area and the song is about repping the 215 and philly, and how we all support one another around here. Its a very energy filled song, and people sing right along with it.

9. What are you currently listening to?

As I write this, Russian Circles.

10. What's next for Beneath A Burning Sky?

Get our shit in gear and get ready to record our full length and hit the road for a winter tour.

11. Any shoutouts?

Mike D we love you. Steffin King, we love you. Brown, we love you. Dave Schafer, we love you. Nick Leap, We love you. Kyle and everyone else from Among the Departed, we love you, we need more shows together. anyone who supports us in any way whether its by telling someone about us, checking out our myspace or listening to our songs, thanks and we love you.

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