Genre: Death metal/hardcore akin to Job For A Cowboy or The Black Dahlia Murder.
Interviewed on: 9/3/08
From: Newport, UK
1. How you guys doin? Were pretty good cheers
How's the drummer search coming along? Its going pretty well at the moment we have had lots of interest from many awesome guys, we are going to try out another guy Sunday and he seems pretty promising at the moment.
2. How did the album cover design concept for "The Darkest Dawn" come about?
Well The Darkest Dawn is pretty much when every thing has gone to shit people from friends to family pas away and you have nothing left to do but sit out whilst the dawn happens but because every thing is shit the dawn is dark its kind of confusing, but the angel in our art work is trapped down and dying because she has taken all of the bad from the world and it has taken her ability to be free.
3. What do you think about the hardcore/metal genre nowadays?
These days the genre has grown a stupid amount not just in the youth population but for adults to. The genre isn't just something you listen to, its something that you realize your feelings to and its something that you and your mates can just rock out all day and all night with out being bored its a new era of our life style.
4. Being from the UK, what do you think of the bands from there getting exposure over here in the US? Any thoughts in touring in the US?
I think it is a hard thing for bands to do, because you have to get big here before you can get big else were. yes we would tour over the states but only with a pretty huge headlining band that every one loves in the USA, we have a fair few fans in the USA which ask us all the time when were going to come over there, and we will. We have total respect for the UK bands which make it but personally any one can do it as long as they put there soul into it, like we say its not luck that does it, its the effort you put into it. Like many bands from the UK that have made it over to the USA they have dedicated their lives to it as we have to.
5. Any crazy show stories?
aha a few yeah, We went to England to play a show, Birmingham it was. We traveled a 5 hour drive in two cars, one car got lost and me an the former drummer Alex arrived at the venue and it was a little pub with about 10 people in. The microphones were running through a hi-fi system. any way the rest of the band arrived about 2 hours late with about 100 sweet rappers all over the fucking car haha and all over them. So we watched the 6 bands play realizing there were all grindcore kids, then it was time for us to play and of course we didn't realize that we were headlining the show and basically we got shown up like a bitch in a gay bar ahah the only way i can put it. We got spat on and kicked in the head ahah it was pretty nuts, it was all because we were white and we played Death Metal and for some reason grind core people hate death metal! but we thought fuck it were not going to stop playing for them.The thing i was most pissed of about it when out set was done, i went to the bar to get a pint of fosters, and the bastard comes back with a coke.
6. If you could tour with three bands who would they be?
Easy man easy.
All Shall Perish
Parkway Drive
The Black Dahlia Murder
7. What are your thoughts on illegal music downloading?
Every one does it, but when your an artist your self it is pretty anoying because its all your time, money and feeling recorded.
8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?
The Darkest Dawn, Because it means a lot to me and it is mad to play i feel like its just me and the boys going mad and doing what we do best!
9. What are you currently listening to?
Never Ending War- All Shall Perish
10. What's next for Angel To Enslave?
Well were going to get 2 videos done go on Channel red sky TV 186 then were hopefully going to get every thing sorted with a contract deal and tour like mad!
11. Any shoutouts?
Yeah man!
Dont play music for other people play it for yourselves!
Peace out everyone hope you like our music.
Cheers From The Depths Entertainment, You Guys are awesome.