-Interview- Twenty One Flights 8/13/08

Twenty One Flights

Genre: Rock akin to The Morning Of or Eyes Set To Kill.
Interviewed on: 8/13/08
From: Hillsborough, NJ


1. How did the band come about? Who chose the name "Twenty One Flights" and what's the meaning behind it?

The band started off in high school when Steve and Ronnie (drums and guitar) just started jamming. We wrote a pretty cool riff and decided we should start writing real material. So we picked up Adam (bass) who was in another band with Steve and that’s when the band really took shape, everything after that just pretty much fell into our hands. The name was hard we couldn’t think of one we had 8 flights but we said we minds well make it have some meaning to we took all the months of all our birthdays and added them together which equaled 21.

2. You guys are sponsored by Breakdown Clothing, how did that connection come about?

We were contacted by Breakdown and asked to promote their products, we said yea ever since then we have been playing tours and shows with their shirts on and they hook us up and we hook them up, it was a pretty simple process.

3. How's the album coming along? When can we expect it to be released?

The album is coming out really cool, we were in the process of tracking but then decided that we didn’t like the vibe we were putting out so we have just been in the studio four time a week writing music and we got a good 3 or 4 song right now for the CD, it’s coming along and you should see it out around May or June this year.

4. Have you guys played with any national acts? If so, who and how were the responses you guys got from the crowd?

Yea we have had a lot of touring and playing with some national acts. The one that stands out most I would say would be TOKYO ROSE, we opened that show it was packed and the crowd was really awesome to us they were loud and some even knew our stuff its always cool to play with bigger bands especially when people are singing your words

5. What are some of your influences?

Our influences, wow soooo many where to start Envy On The Coast, Minus the Bear, As Tall as Lions, Recover, DMB, The Spill Canvas, Paramore, TBS, so many we can’t even list them all.

6. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

I think it’s good for fans, it gets your music out but artist suffer from it we can tell you that first hand. As long as our fans buy our shirt and come to our shows they can download our music we feel it’s a fair trade

7. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

I would have to say one of our new songs even though we haven’t played it live, we have played it for friends and family and it’s so fun because the song has so much energy then it goes to very mellow then picks back up so it’s the perfect mix and everyone who has heard it seems to love it

8. What are you guys currently listening to?


9. What's next for Twenty One Flights?

Next for Twenty One, we have been talking to some labels; we will be recording the new CD and going back out on tour next summer.

10. Any shoutouts?

Thanks to ALL OUR FANS!!! Friend’s family, All the bands we have met on the road and all our local friends from jersey like Chris batten and the woods, set to sound, meansweller, dreading the seasons, signature escape breakdown clothing and From The Depths Entertainment

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