-Interview- Mercury In The Summer 8/17/08

Mercury In The Summer

Genre: Screamocore akin to A Day To Remember or It Dies Today.
Interviewed on: 8/17/08
From: Hudson County, NJ


1. Who thought of the name "Mercury In The Summer" and is there any meaning behind it?

Our drummer Lorenz would be the one responsible for our name. He claims that one night while he was half asleep, the TV was on and someone in a movie said, "That's like mercury in the summer....it's hot."...When he woke up the next day, he remembered what he heard and it just kind of stuck.

2. You guys seem to be big video games fans, what are some of your favorite video games/systems?

Let's run down the line....

John: He enjoys xbox360(halo3, GTA 4, and any other shoot 'em up types) wii (bowling, golf and mariokart)

Vic: xbox360 (halo3, gta4) and any final fantasy games

Lorenz: xbox360 all the way...halo3 madden and nhl

Deric: A huge gamer himself, he plays just about any system you put in front of him, he mainly enjoys RPG style games though and some first-person shooters.

Roni: well he doesn't really play video games...he prefers beer...haha

3. You guys were recently on Jersey Fresh TV, how did that come about?

They added us on MySpace then posted bulletins about doing webisodes, so we hit them up and it happened....it was a cool learning experience as far as interviews and being in front of cameras was concerned.

4. Some of your influences include Evergreen Terrace and A Day To Remember, how do your influences affect you during the writing/recording/performing process?

We don't feel that any of our influences directly affect any of those processes in any way, except encourage us to be able to create the music we do. our influences are more of a catalyst rather than a model.

5. Can we expect a full length anytime soon? Is there any new songs written and ready to be recorded?

Actually, we've been working on new material to put for our first full length since the beginning of the summer, and now that we just moved into a new rehearsal space and are taking a few weeks off from playing shows (and boy did we play a ton this summer)...we're gonna focus piecing together the final touches and hopefully (fingers crossed), we should have it completed by the end of the year if not sooner.

6. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

Honestly, even though artists and labels might suffer a loss in revenue, the music is still getting out there. You're not going to know whether or not the kids at your shows bought the music or downloaded it for free. It's a force that's too huge to be reckoned with and we should just accept it for what it is, because not everyone does it.

7. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

We have a new song called "You're a Goddamn Monday" and for some reason it's usually the song we exert the most energy with....it's just a fun song.

8. What are you guys currently listening to?

John-lately, Panic at the Disco!...don't ask..haha

Vic-Bad Religion, Reggie and the Full Effect, and whatever comes on while his Ipod is on random

Roni-Fall Of Troy, At The Gates, Acacia Strain...stuff like that

Lorenz-Secret & Whisper,any 80s new wave stuff,NPR podcasts

Deric-Gallows, Terror, Comeback Kid...just basic hardcore stuff lately

9. What's next for Mercury In The Summer?

Lots and lots of practice.....hopefully breaking a 100 shows this year...and a new full length, EP, and merch....and....mmmmmmmmm-BUTTSCRATCHA!!!...haha

10. Any shoutouts?

Bands- The Aftermark, Knuckle Up!, Thenumbertwelvelookslikeyou, Love You Maid, The Butcher, Further Beneath, Sons Of Silence, Hung Like A Ghost, A Balance Between, and Head Over Heels

Peeps- Beckmen, Jeremy Comitas (Shark Attack! Studios), Anthony LaSala, Nukem, Scottie, D-go, CasperAZP, Abe(AKA TONS of FUN!!!!), Rob and Chris Yunne, Asah Boogie, Juan Bang, Justin Pedrick from #12, Wayne Pighini(Vagrant Records/#12's manager), and anyone else we forgot...my bad!

Misc- Seth Mcfarlane for making Family Guy, Monster and Rockstar energy drinks for giving us hours of energy and debate over superior taste, beer...hooray beer!!!(but Deric says...nay beer!!!...just nay)...bodyartforms. com for making Deric's ears extremely happy....AV Management.....Le Zombie Clothing...The Fallout Shelter(Alliquipa, PA), and the people that created the concept for 24-hour Walmarts so we have a place to sleep on the road!!!

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