(Takeover Records)
Genre: Punk/rock akin to Strung Out or old AFI.
Interviewed on: 8/19/08
From: Altoona, PA
1. How you guys doin? How has the reaction to the new EP been?
All is well and looking up on the LTN home front. As for a reaction to the EP everyone that has it is super stoked about it and hopefully we can put it in many more peoples hands in the near future!!
2. You have a ton of dates coming up, is there a show in particular you're looking forward to the most?
All of them!! There is nothing more we like to do than to hit the stage and let it all hangout!! But, if I had to choose one Im going with Landsharks. Its His Name Was Irons CD release show in there home town!!
3. You guys had a video with Jeremy McGrath, how did that happen?
We gotta give all the credit for that little gem to our good friend Ian Nagle owner of GDOPIV Productions. Hes a friend of ours from PA who became an intern at Epitaph out in LA and just never came back. He called me up outta the blue as usual with an offer we couldn't refuse!!
4.You guys had Paul Leavitt (All Time Low) produce the album, how did that relationship come about?
I cant really say how it came about. I remember we were looking for some serious studio time and really liked his work. I'm really glad we did this EP with Paul, he's like a wizard in the studio!! As a matter of fact I just spoke with him yesterday and we are planning on heading down to Baltimore in early November to record new tracks with him again!!
5. How did you guys hook up with Takeover Records?
Believe it or not, on the internet!! For any of you in bands that may be reading this dont ever let anyone say you cant get discovered online. Its a long shot but it is possible!!
6. Have you guys watched the Olympics at all? If so, what sports have you been most interested in?
I may have a unhealthy obsession with these games. When there over I dont know what Im going to do!! Already Im bummed that there is no more swimming. I got into swimming this summer like I got into curling from the last winter games. That Phelps is amazing but now I cant stop watching Shawn Johnson, GO USA!!
7. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?
I cant blame people for wanting something for free in this time and age. If people were downloading our songs for free at this point in the game I would just be glad they wanted it bad enough to steal it!!
8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?
Changes all the time. But at the moment its speed dial for me.
9. What are you guys currently listening to?
I can't stop listening to the Menzingers. If any of you havent heard of them go check them out right now. Also Im amped to go buy the new Gaslight Anthem ablum.
10. What's next for Lose The Name?
Shows shows shows, which makes me smile. And then beginning work on our new album!!
11. Any shoutouts?
I wish we were cool enough to do shoutouts!