-Interview- Goodbye Soundscape 8/10/08

Goodbye Soundscape
(Takeover Records)

Genre: Rock/screamo akin to A Heartwell Ending or Oceana.
Interviewed on: 8/10/08
From: Wilkes Barre, PA


Interview conducted with guitarist Brandon Bevans.

1. How did the band come about?

The band started originally in 2006. Same old story. Dudes in broken up bands wanting to start fresh. It really didn't take off until 2007 when we started working with J. Robbins on our debut CDEP with our line-up change. Pretty much been a power-house, mountain-mover after that.

2. Being from the same city as Breaking Benjamin and Lifer, was there any obstacles the band faced within the local scene?

No real obstacles. There is a lot of talent in this area other than Drama Club (Lifer) and Breaking Benjamin. Bands like Cold World (Deathwish Inc), Title Fight (Flight Plan Records), Motionless In White (Masquarade Recordings) and us, Goodbye Soundscape, now on Takeover Recordsare all from here. The scene is really a melting pot of undiscovered talent.

3. What are some of your influences?

We are very scattered with influences. From The Smiths to Shai Hulud. Envy (Japan) to Archers Of Loaf.

4. Can we expect any new material soon? If so, have you been playing any new stuff live?

You sure can! We leave for tour August 15th. When we come back we are planning on heading into the studio for pre-production on our full length. And yes we have been playing some new material. Just to test the waters and make some changes.

5. You guys excited about going on the mini tour through Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois later this month?

After hustling a few days at the Vans Warped Tour we are very excited! This tour is a "mini-tour". We are only going out for two weeks. However, it's a really big step in our careers as a lot of these shows are showcases for labels that have been interested in us and watched our progress since "Our Mutual Friend" came out last year.

6. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

It's inevitable. Someone will get your music somewhere. We self released our debut CDEP last Summer. So when I hear it's been downloaded on Lime Wire or wherever. I'm stoked kids are listening but it'd be nice to be able to put some more gas in the school bus on tour.

7. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

"The Mystery Of William Lawrence". It's the single off "Our Mutual Friend" it's the one the radio stations have been spinning so it's always a good time when people that have never even seen us before know and sing the words. However, I'm really falling in-love with the new material and direction the band is headed in now.

8. What are you guys currently listening to?

Whomever drives the school bus is the designated DJ for the day so you can mostly expect to hear everyones favorite songs. A lot of SAM I AM, Four Year Strong, and Old Crow Medicine Show.

9. What's next for Goodbye Soundscape?

We'll see how this tour rolls with the business side of things. We just released a two song 7" vinyl with Takeover Records. So we will be doing some Takeover Records tours. They are bringing us over to California at the end of the year to tour with Hey Mike! And then the usually... Really fun shows. Lots of hard-work. Lots of croquet and Patron.

10. Any shoutouts?

We'd like to give a shout-out to all the things we love. RC Movies 14. E & J Deli. Green Mountain Coffee. Patron tequila. Price Chopper vegetable trays. HomestarRunner. com

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