(Siege Of Amida Records)
Genre: Alternative Rock/metal akin to new Atreyu or Blessed By A Broken Heart.
Interviewed on: 8/21/08
From: York, UK
1. How you guys doin? You guys recently did a Iron Maiden cover ("Two Minutes To Midnight") for Kerrang, how did that go?
yeah we're very good thanks. The maiden cover was a lot of fun. A mixed response like you always get with these things. You've got the people who appreciate what you've done with the song and then the die hard maiden fans who wouldn't even give you time of day no matter how good it was.
2. The album artwork for the self titled album is very unique, how did the concept come about and who thought of it?
Yeah we were really happy with the artwork. A guy called Steve (www.cowgummy.com) came up with the concept of the whole evil meets glamour concept. To be honest it had very little to do with us. We have the combined artistic talents of a 5 year old.
3. Any plans on coming over to tour in the US?
Yeah, We do plan to come to the US definitely. Nothing is set in stone yet though so we would hate to even try guess when that'll be.
4. You guys are from the UK which has exploded with musical talent recently, what is the scene like over there?
The music scene is definitely on the rise again over here. For example the City we're from (York) must be one of the smallest cities in the country and is absolutely fuckin bursting with amazing bands.
5. If you guys could tour with three bands, who would they be?
Firstly, Avenged Sevenfold (again). These guys are by our reckoning the most talented band on the planet. Plus they're awesome guys too. Iron Maiden - Surely that speaks for itself... IRON-FUCKING-MAIDEN!!!! Finally our brothers of rock Black Tide (again) we had a really awesome time out with these guys the last time they were over here but unfortunately we were restricted to 5 nights. Could definitely do with more hang time with them.
6. Have you guys watched the Olympics at all? If so, what sports have you been most interested in?
No. Do they do a competition for Goths?
7. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?
To be honest money isn't really in record sales for most bands nowadays, so if it helps our music get out then we're all for it!
8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?
Every song we have. If we didn't have enough enthusiasm for all of our songs we simply wouldn't perform it. And if we felt like we weren't putting every bit of effort into every song we played we wouldn't be doing our job right.
9. What are you guys currently listening to?
Glamour of the Kill
10. What's next for Glamour Of The Kill?
We're knuckling down in the studio for the next month or so to begin writing our full length album. Then we'll be doing a headline tour at the beginning of october over here in the UK.
11. Any shoutouts?