(El Shaddai Records)
Genre: Screamocore.
Interviewed on: 8/25/08
From: Melbourne, Australia
1. How you guys doin? You guys been watching the Olympics at all?
Hey doin well dude, yeah been watching the Olympics a little, that Phelps guy is whooping our butts!
2. You guys are opening up for Underoath soon, you guys excited?
Yeah we're really stoked. They've been a favorite band of ours for ages and we're heaps keen to meet and chat to them as well if we get the chance.
3. You're from Australia, which recently has been a place known for its musical talent, we heard you guys are coming over here to the US to tour soon, is that true and you guys amped up to play over here?
Yeah there are a stack of great bands from AUS at the moment which is great cause we get to play, tour and watch a lot of really good bands. We're coming over to play for Canadian Music Week in late Feb early march 09 and we're organizing a Canadian tour for before the festival and a US tour for after wards. we are so stoked to be traveling outside of AUS to tour and see how things are in the US!
4. How did the title and design for the new record "This Is A War" come about?
A lot of the lyrics are christian based so the title "This Is A War" came about when thinkin about the battle between "good and evil" and we wanted the design to mirror that in a visual way so we got a friend of ours to design the album artwork based on that concept.
5. You guys shot a video for "Like The Effects Of The Wind", how did the concept for the video come about and how was making the video?
Making the vidoe was a really cool experience! This is our first video so it was a big learning curve for us just to see behind the scenes of how you actually make a music video. it was really hard work, we did around 8 hours of filming so you get pretty tired but the company we worked with (Room 3 Media) were great to work with and made the whole experience really fun. As far as concept goes we didn't want a story line as such for our first video just a kickin performance clip that people can get into.
6. What are your thoughts on illegal music downloading?
Well its kind of bitter sweet for bands I think cause on one hand people are getting your music and you're seeing no financial gain from it but on the other hand if that same person shows your CD to 5 friends and they like it, come to a show and buy some merch you get new fans, your money so it has its pro's and cons. honestly I'm stoked if people are listening to our music no matter how they get it
7. Any crazy show stories?
We hit a kangaroo at 110 k/ph on the way home from a show recently that was crazy! Felt like we hit a brick wall and scared us all half to death ha ha.
8. What are you currently listening to?
I'm skipping between a band called Brighten and the new Misery Signals album "Controller".
9. What is your favorite song to play live?
There's a song called "in case of ignorance" on the album and I think that would be my favorite because it has really fun guitar parts to play and I get to do a wrap around in it. (wrap around being me throwing my guitar around my body, catching it again while playing)
10. What's next for Forgiven Rival?
at the moment we are just trying to get out on the road as much as humanely possible both in AUS and abroad and also working on new music for the new album.
11. Any shoutouts?
Do yourself a favor and check out a couple of bands called HOUSE VS HURRICANE and CITY ESCAPE they are great Aussie bands.