(Damage Done Records)
Genre: Thrash metal akin to new Shai Hulud.
Interviewed on: 8/27/08
From: Prague, Czech Republic
1. How you guys doin? You guys are heading out on tour soon including a date with August Burns Red, you guys amped to head out?
Hi, it's Tomas - singer for Flowers For Whores. I do pretty well, thanx. Just traveling around Europe with Pulling Teeth. They're a killer band to watch every night, so I can't be happier at the moment.
Yeah, we do short Czech-Slovakian tour in October including 2 shows with August Burns Red. We're stoked about doing Slovakian dates again. Kids go nuts at the shows up there. Playing with August Burns Red in Prague and Bratislava will be blast.
2. How did you hook up with Damage Done Records?
I run this label called Damage Done Records. It's always easier to skip the "middle man" and have control above the stuff you do. I started a couple years ago putting LP for this band Guided Cradle and kept doing label till now. Putting out records for band I'm part of was the easiest option for us.
3. How did the cover art for "Equilibrium" come about?
We wanted to do something different than bands playing this kind of music usually do. I had this idea of traffic jam and feeling that something bad is gonna happen. Like the last scene of Terminator 1 when Sarah heads horizon in car and you can see dark clouds above the mountains. Every time I watch that I had that bad feeling about the future. Lyrics for our song called live Together, Die Alone fit this cover. When you flip our CD to the other side you'll definitely get what's the whole idea about.
This artwork was done by our friend Bourek who did an amazing job for local bands as Balaclava and GNU.
4. What's the music scene like over in Prague?
There's bunch of bands playing different kind of music in Prague being part of punk scene in the same time. If you want to go deeper you should take whole Czech scene. Czech Republic is such a small country to do differences between scenes in the cities. Come to Prague and get to 007 klub. That's the best venue to find good bands playing.
5. If you guys could tour with three bands, who would they be?
Taste of every single person in Flowers For Whores is totally different. If I pick 3 bands it would be Doomriders, Clouds, and Misery Index.
6. Have you guys watched the Olympics at all? If so, what sports have you been most interested in?
To be honest I hate all that madness about watching sports on TV. I haven't seen anything of Olympics this year. After I quit playing soccer for FC Praha Podoli when I was 16 I got more to individual sports as biking, working out. I used to work as a bike messenger for 4 years in Prague. That was my most intense sport experience so far.
7. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?
I have no problem with that. I don't care if people download our music. The gap between upper and lower class is getting deeper and deeper and people have to spend more and more money on food, apartments, clothing. If you're fan of music and support bands you love, do it. If not download it. We have no problem with that. It's all about personal priorities not about corporations trying to rip you and bands on their own label off.
8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?
I love all songs we've done. I feel awesome when we play A Game On Shells and Live Together, Die Alone. Once You've Gone Black, You Never Come Back have special meaning to me.
9. What are you guys currently listening to?
I'm blown away from last Harvey Milk album, new Clouds are amazing, Pulling Teeth play every night for me and check new Pennywise album - it's great for driving.
10. What's next for Flowers For Whores?
After we finish our tour in October we'd love to record 2 new songs for split release with Slovakian band called Feed the Vulture. We gonna do Eastern European tour in February 2009 with Canadians Gravemaker and then hopefully record our first full length.
11. Any shoutouts?
Thank you very much for this interview. We truly appreciate your interest for our band. Hope we can play in your town soon.