-Interview- Double Dragon 8/27/08

Double Dragon
(Truth Inc Records)

Genre: Melodic metalcore akin to old As I Lay Dying or In Flames.
Interviewed on: 8/27/08
From: Adelaide, Australia


1. How you guys doin? How has the reaction to the new material been?

so far so good, we havent really had the chance to get out and tour it yet due to some unforeseen internal dramas, but we have some big shows coming up and really we have putting off playing until weather warms up!

2. The album artwork is very cool, who came up with the concept and design?

Roads, our guitarist came up with concept and ADelaide designer Matt Hede did the actual design, basically we wanted a character as such to represent the emotion in the songs, and yeah that big crazy warrior is what we got!

3. Any thoughts in touring here in the US? Any crazy show stories?

Definately looking to tour the US, first of all we need some distrubution for the album so if your a label that has that capability and want to put out our album email us @ doubledragononline@hotmail.com

4. What's your thoughts on the explosion of musical talent from Australia that everyone is talking about?

Um, thats great that people are talking about Australian music, personally I didnt know that but thats always a good thing. I think Australian music is very under rated as in my eyes there are hundreds of amazing bands playing in Australia, just like there is in the US. I mean, we have instruments too you know - i think alot of people from outside Australia put too much focus on where they are from not the music, because if it was about the music the world would know alot more Australian artists.

5. If you guys could tour with three bands, who would they be?

Hmmm today I would say Metallica / Slayer / Dark Tranquillity

6. Have you guys watched the Olympics at all? If so, what sports have you been most interested in?

Yeah watched the olympics, obviously had a keen eye on the swimming like most australians but yeah missed out on a lot of good stuff due to shitty australian tv, would have liked to see some more basketball but what can you do!?

7. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

I used to be all for it, in many ways I still am, but if you google "Double Dragon Devastator" and see the squillions of torrents sites and sites from other countries selling or just giving away your stuff sometimes you think, "you motherfuckers!" - for the briefest of seconds before you realise that its a good thing that people are trading your music and it does bring other opportunites in terms of merch. The world has definately changed in terms of music and downloading, but at the end of the day the more people who can access your music the better, and if your going to download something for free always try and give something back to the band by buying a ticket to a show or grabbing some merch.

8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

Depends on the night, and my mood at the time, im diggin playing Straight Into Hell, Black Sails Of Armageddon, songs with lots of groove that gets everyone moving.

9. What are you guys currently listening to?

Hmm, we listen to alot of Gojira, Mastodon, alot of Australian artists such as Emma Dean ( who sang on our album ) Truth Corroded, A Red Dawn, we like the old classic kind of stuff, Iron Maiden, Testament , Slayer , Pantera, I mean the same bands as most metal heads around our age, we dig swedish metal too, amon amarth, meshuggah, dark tranquility, as long as its played with passion and not confined to any kind of trend boundaries we will get into it

10. What's next for Double Dragon?

We are now looking to write our next album, tour Devastator as much as we can, play with as many good bands as we can and just keep writing, keep playing and keep creating more music. If the metal gods are kind to us, maybe we can open our US account sooner rather than later.

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