-Interview- City Escape 8/22/08

City Escape

Genre: Screamo rock akin to Hawthorne Heights or Emery .
Interviewed on: 8/22/08
From: Melbourne, Australia


1. How you guys doin? You guys are playing alongside Thrice soon, you guys amped up?

Good thanks, Yeah we are super pumped. Thrice has been our favorite band since high school so its incredible to be
sharing the stage with such an amazing band.

2. How has the reaction to the new material been? Is the new album titled at all?

Well its still in the works of being released, but we put a short sample of all the songs up on our myspace,
And the feedback we received was great. People were really digging it and it was getting a heap of plays everyday.

The EP will be entitled 'Avalanches'

3. Being from Australia, what do you guys think about the explosion of musical talent coming from Australia as of late?

I think its great, there are so many good bands going places over here so to be getting noticed in the mix of it all is really sweet.

4. You guys have any plans on touring the US?

Hopefully one day we can get over there and play all over the place, but as for right now I dont think we've even thought that far ahead!

5. If you guys could tour with three bands, who would they be?

For me it would have to be:
As Cities Burn
House Vs. Hurricane

6. Have you guys watched the Olympics at all? If so, what sports have you been most interested in?

Yeah I've been obsessed, I was really into the hockey and basketball.
But I've watched so much of it its not funny.

7. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

I don't have a problem with it, unless its something like a band has recorded an album and before its released
it's leaked onto the internet for people to download. I would be very pissed.

8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

Hrm. I'd say one of our newest 'Now, The Hard Part'.
Haha it has a bit of a vocal solo at the end and people seem to go crazy for it.
So its always fun to play that one.

9. What are you guys currently listening to?

I'm not sure about the others but currently I'm playing
Lower Definition - 'The Greatest of All Arts Lost'
VersaEmerge - 'Perceptions'
Misery Signals - 'Controller'
As Cities Burn - 'Come Now Sleep'

10. What's next for City Escape?

Well we will be looking at having a release date for or EP and will be making loads of trips interstate.
And who knows what else!

11. Any shoutouts?

Sure, to anyone who's supported us thank you!
And thanks mike for this wonderful interview.

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