-Interview- By Morning 8/28/08

By Morning

Genre: Progressive rock akin to City Sleeps or Incubus.
Interviewed on: 8/28/08
From: Asheville, NC


1. How you guys doin? You have a show with Hand To Hand (Lifeforce Records) coming up, have you guys played with them before at all?

Hey, we are doing great! A little hungry but doing good. Yeah, we have played with Hand to Hand before. They are great guys! We played with them in Raleigh, NC at The Brewery and in their hometown of Orlando, FL at The Backbooth. We try to keep in touch with them as much as possible.

2. The album artwork for "The Migration" is very simple, who thought of it and what was the meaning behind it?

Lee thought of the idea. He is a graphic designer for his "real" job. We wanted to go with a simple, strong graphic. We liked how the fish seemed to be migrating. In the song Madeline, there is a line that mentions a fish in a bowl that wants to be free. So it was fitting. Lee does all of the bands graphics and designs. A lot of bands have designers, or at least people that are creative in that area in the band.

3. With the EP recently released, how has the reaction been to it? Any new material in the works?

Lee : Oh yeah, we have gotten a great response to The Migration EP. The online sells have been a lot better than we had imagined. Originally, the songs were just for demo purposes. After hearing the final product, we knew that we had to get the tracks into public hands. Just recently we have been selling the EP at shows.

Brandon : I'm just so excited people wanted more from us so soon after it's release.The three new songs are very strong and all the new material is something i am very proud of.

Burney: I've noticed it's bringing new and different fans to the shows. The first note of Madaline seems to reel them in the first time they hear it.

Lee : We are constantly writing new material. Since the recordings we have brought 3 new songs into our live set and they are getting a great response! At the last home show, people were singing along to them. The only way they could have known the words was to either go to every show in the past 4 months or watch our videos on YouTube.

4. You guys recently hooked up with Shell Shock Apparel, how did that relationship come about?

Shell Shock is Lee's baby. He started the company with a friend of his, Rick. They are really pushing the line. By Morning just gets the perks due to Lee playing in the band. Free stuff is good! Shell Shock is looking for bands to work with. They also do custom printing work as well.

5. Being from North Carolina, which has raised some great bands over the years, what were some of your favorite local bands to watch growing up?

Lee : Wow, that is a big question! There is so many bands that we are fans of that are from NC, lets go ahead and throw SC in the mix as well. There is a great movement of NC/SC bands right now. A lot of talent that people should keep their eye on. Locally in Asheville, there is Sanctity, Lewis, The Nova Echo, Einstein's Dream, Kings of Prussia, and The Broomstars that are rocking our socks! Growing up though, we have all been part of the local scene for over a decade, so we have seen a lot and been part of many bands.

Burney: I loved Cry of Love out of Raleigh ( my home town ).

Brandon : Damn, that is hard to answer. I was a huge Swift (winston salem) fan when i was younger. I think this state makes some of the best musicians in the whole world. The sweet tea's good too.

Tim : I actually grew up down the way in Charleston, SC, so my favorite bands growing up were The Working Title and Owen Beverly. I'm actually kind of friends with them now, which makes it pretty amazing to listen to them. When I first moved to Asheville, I came upon Secret Lives Of The Freemasons, and I really loved what I got from them. From there, I met pretty much everyone in the scene. As for now, my favorite local bands are The Goodies, Lewis, Sanctity, and The Campaign 1984. I love playing shows with those guys now, it's completely amazing

6. Have you guys watched the Olympics at all? If so, what sports have you been most interested in?

Lee : I watched enough to realize that I am a fat ass. I tired of hearing about Michael Phelps within the first 10 minutes. SO I stayed on Cartoon Network and ate burgers.

Burney: Football season starts soon. That is all I need.

Brandon : I am huge into the gymnastics! I don't think the body should do the things they make it do. So impressive. I was big into the track and field competitions too.

Tim : I haven't really any of the Olympics, but I am amazed watching the gymnastics part. I read about a runner who was 41 and smoked people in the Olympic trials while her 4-year-old daughter watched. That was really something to be stoked about. I love watching the volleyball too, those women have amazing bodies, plus it's a great sport to watch. Dara Torres also sounds like a badass, even more than Michael Phelps, and she's 41!

7. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

Lee : That is a tough one. I look at it as to tape trading in the 80's but to a very large network. I know that some people have downloaded our stuff illegally, sure it takes money from our pockets. But then again, if it makes us new fans . . . it gets tough to decide on what is right. If someone got our music illegally and then came out to a show and bought a shirt or two, we make more off of the shirts. For me it is more important to have someone that is really into our music and supports us at shows. I really like what NIN did, they are giving their new music out for free on their site. I would like to see By Morning offering free music online, like B-sides or live tracks. Bands are just going to have to get creative with how they deal with it. Make special things in the physical CD or special iTunes offers. Of course that doesn't stop people from putting it back online to "share", but you are not going to stop that.

Burney: Artist deserve to be payed for their work. You also want as many people to have your music and you can't control how they get it.

Brandon : I agree with Lee in so many ways. It's a double edges sword. I think the road is where the paycheck is for most artist. Live shows are still bigger than ever.

Tim : I don't do it, but I don't blame people who do. I want to make money playing music, but I also really just want to get my band's name out there. I constantly pay for people to get into our shows, and I give people By Morning CD's for free, which I, of course, turn right around and pay for. I've probably spent over $100 in the last year paying for people to get in to shows and giving away CD's. I love finding music online, and I don't really mind paying some of it. If someone puts their music up for free download, I'll take it, but I don't mind paying for it to support.

8. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

Lee : I really like playing About You and Passenger. About you, I can get a little heavier and push it more, plus I like seeing people sing the chorus! With Passenger, it is a little funkier, I have some little solo spots in the song that I use a wah on that I like enjoy playing with.

Burney: "Feel it break" it's just a powerful song. i also like to play the new songs. "Passenger Please", it has a great chorus, "Screws", It's just fun, and "Geese", for all of the same reasons.

Brandon : Huge fan of Madeline. It's just a build up powerhouse of a song to me. I feel it every time I sing it. Granted, there are some nights your just not into it and it feels like you just stepped up to do Karaoke, but I never feel that way with madeline.

Tim : I love "Nashville", because of the energy and the words. I remember how electric it felt when we wrote it, and I still carry that energy now, even in practice. I like getting people into it when we play "About You", and I still love the energy of "Madeline", "Migration" and "Geese". I guess I really love them all.

9. What are you guys currently listening to?

Lee : I am currently listening to War of Ages - Arise and Conquer and Pride of the Wicked, Sleeping Giant - Dread Champions of the Last Days, and the new Slipknot - All Hope is Gone. I have also listened to the new Metallica tracks. It is good to hear them back on their game again. Stanley Clarke - School Days, nothing in the world like Stanley Clarke. The man is bass guitar!

Burney: "No world for tomorrow" by Coheed and Cambria, "Physical Graphitti" by Led Zeppelin, "Best of Marvin Gaye" by Marvin Gaye

Brandon: Alt country. That's all I can say!

Tim : I just started listening to Owen Beverly's new CD, and it's amazing. I've been listening to August Burns Red, Killswitch Engage, Hand To Hand, Pantera, and Arch Enemy when I'm on my runs, and I can't seem to get enough of those bands. I love discovering those guys, especially Pantera and Arch Enemy, it really gets me going. Other than that, I love singing to Ryan Adams and Owen Beverly.

10. What's next for By Morning?

Lee : Writing, touring, new merch designs. We are looking for a producer for a full length. It would be cool to have a video done before this time next year. We will have to see what our wallets look like after Christmas.

Tim : Rocking even more faces. I want us to put out a great CD again, and play more shows like the last three local shows we've played, the two at The Orange Peel and the one at Stella Blue. I feel like we've received a good bit of recognition over the past several months, and it feels great. I think that our next move is to make more of what makes this band great, which is making amazing music, and that's what it's always been about.

11. Any shoutouts?

Lee : My lovely wife. I want to shout out to our boys in Aside Oceans in Pulaski, VA. Great guys that are working hard and need your attention.

Burney: Hey mom!

Brandon : Um to the fans man. It's been a good coupe of years and we want to continue to do this for a very long time. I really hope that if they take an interest in any form of music, they stick with that group and grow with them. I am so thankful to have friends and fans who have done that with us. So, thanks to them!

Tim : Anyone who has come out to shows and rocked to our music, as well as supported us. Stella Blue, The Orange Peel, Bad Ash . . . I'm loving the city of Asheville.

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