-Interview- Burn This City 8/14/08

Burn This City

Genre: Metalcore akin to For The Fallen Dreams or Emmure.
Interviewed on: 8/14/08
From: Rochester, NY


1. You guys are on tour right now, how's that coming along?

-this has been a great tour, weve been in support of the Ligeia/Iwrestledabearonce tour, and then on and off with the American Me/Oceano tour. All the dudes (and girls - krista + Mim from Iwabo lol) are such awesome people. lots of good stories, lots of good dancing, and the off date shows we've had by ourselves have been absolutely amazing!

2. How did the band come together and form?

Our guitar player Tom formed the band in 2006 from the ashes of former Rochester local bands. Actually our first show was with Recon the first time they played in Rochester. Ironically we had never heard of them before. The current lineup you see is not the original, were currently on our 3rd vocalist and our 2nd drummer.

3. You guys played with acts such as A Day To Remember, Emmure and Stick To Your Guns, was there a show that sticks out as to just being nuts?

The band Blessed By A Broken Heart was actually on the same show we did with ADTR, and they started a fight with the locals, it turned into a pretty violent night full of weapons in the parking lot of the venue. Emmure is always a blast to play with no matter where you are in the country, kids that love Emmure are so loyal and the same kids consistently come out and do some pretty wild shit.

4. Your merch designs are very unique, who came up with the designs for them and what's the inspirations behind them?

We just put stupid shit on our shirts because, for some reason, they always sell like crazy.

5. What are some of your influences?

Rochester NY is home to the Eastman School of Music, were obviously into the heavier music but every member has their favorites in and out of the metal/hardcore style of music.

6. What's your thoughts on illegal music downloading?

For a band like us, we have no label support or distribution, so when kids download our music to their ipod or their computer and pass it along to a friend, that is actually the best thing for us. Yes we have financial struggles like any other band, but in the end, it all comes down to the music getting out there, not the money.

7. What is your favorite song to play live and why?

Its hard to pick just one song, we do enjoy our entire set time, lately it seems like everyones diggin the newer tunes.

8. What are you guys currently listening to?

Tom - Acacia Strain, Ligeia, Four Year Strong.
Mike - Bane, Gentle Giant, and im a HUGE fan of Lil Wayne.
Colby - White Chapel, Ramallah, Black My Heart
Dave - Comeback Kid, The Miles Between, Set Your Goals.
***and we all love to listen to Gangster Rap in the van.

9. What's next for Burn This City?

Full length album to be released by next summer and a much more impressive tour schedule.

10. Any shoutouts?

YES! to our friends in: iWrestledabearonce, Ligeia, The Tora Tora Tourettes, Knuckle Up, Saints, The Roger Young, Years Spent Cold and all of our friends back home.

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