-Interview- Many Things Untold 7/11/08

Many Things Untold
(Rising Records)

Genre: Melodic hardcore in the vein of old Haste The Day or old Atreyu.
Interviewed on: 7/11/08
From: Cambridgeshire, UK


1. What's your names and roles in the band?

Gary - singing/guitar
Adam - guitar
Tim - drums
Toby - vocals
Ash - bass

2. How did the band get together and form?

We formed around 5 years ago in school, with original line up, Gary, Tim and Adam. We then got Toby around 1 year later, and we got Ash about 5 months ago. We've probably played around 250 shows since we started up !

3. You guys have "Atlantic" coming out in a few days, you guys excited? What do you guys want people to take away from this album?

Yeah were stoked for it to come out, we know its gonna raise peoples awareness of us .. it'll bring more people to the shows, and we want them to just enjoy the music we play and come support us on tours etc.

4. How did you guys hook up with Rising Records?

We had an email from them actually, was really shocked when we saw it .. asking us to sign to their label lol so we met up, talked buis, and here we are! We get to be on one of the hottest UK labels along side Trigger The Bloodshed etc so its a lot of fun and also helps us get our name out to a lot more people.

5. What's your take on music downloading?

Our take on music downloading? Well its shit for bands and labels but its awesome for people who cant be asked to buy the real things lol.
It happens and it cant exactly be helped so I guess we don't mind people downloading our music .. they're still listening to it all the same, so yeah, whether people buy the album from stores, or download it.. that's cool with us.

6. You guys have shows coming up with Johnny Truant and Azriel, have you guys played with them before? Any good show stories?

haha, yes, we actually get along with Azriel very well, we've played around 5 shows with them. last show, Ghostfest .. Darren (Azriel vox) brought dozens of weird chinese foods .. such as dry fish, coated in sugar, and sushi coated in chocolate. EW! the most random thing we've probably ever seen at a show, but it actually tasted alright. lol .. as far as Truant go's were looking forward to the show with them, we've met em and they seem like ace guys.

7. How have people been taking to the new material live?

Well the crowds are getting bigger every show, and they seem to go nuts, so I guess people love the new stuff. Its got enough "beatdown" and "two step" to keep any crowd happy really.

8. You guys are going on tour soon, anything you would have to bring with you on tour so you wouldn't go nuts?

Um, porn? Spare change of underwear .. its a must.
We have x box and such in our August tour mini bus so its gonna be sick !

9. What are you guys currently listening to?

Converge - always!
Pendulum - always!
Lots of Misery Signals n such.
We all listen to a lot of Electro and Drum and Bass.

10. What's next for Many Things Untold?

Tour, Tour, Tour, Tour, Tour ........... Tour

11. Any shoutouts?

Yeaaa .. buy our album !

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