-Interview- House Vs Hurricane 6/25/08

House Vs Hurricane
(El Shaddai Records)

Genre: Emocore with a bit of synth akin to Enter Shikari, Emery or old Underoath.
Interviewed on: 6/25/08
From: Melbourne, Australia


1. What's your names and roles in the band?
Chris Dicker - Vocals
Ryan Mclerie - Guitar/Vocals
Chris Shaw - Guitar
Joey Fragione - Keys/Piano
Adam Meyers - Bass
Liam Disher - Drums

2. How did the band come about?

I actually started a band called 'Beyond Mine' a couple of years ago. We played a bunch of shows around Melbourne and i think one in South Australia. Members came and went, I was friends with all the dudes who are now in HvH. Joey was first to join, we used to go to show together all the time and i found out a year later he was an amazing piano player. We were looking for a new drummer, and Beau Mckeen (Closure in Moscow) knew this guy, Liam, who's garage Closure used to rehearse in. Just asked around and all the other guys were keen to join a band. Chris was last to join when our original guitarist left. We wrote a bunch of crap songs, and a couple of good ones too, and here we are, a year and a half later.

3. Who thought of the name "House Vs Hurricane"? How did the name come about? Any special meaning behind it?

I think it was Ryan, I don't really remember to be honest. I know what it means to me, ask me at a show and I'll tell you.

4. Since you guys are from Australia, is there any bands over there that we should check out?

Trophyknife are releasing an EP soon, as are City Escape. Looking forward to both a lot. The Broderick are one of my favorite Australian bands.

5. Have you guys played with any US acts? If so, who?

We recently played 3 shows with The Devil Wears Prada, they were heaps of fun.
Really great dudes.

6. You guys are a fairly young band (since 06), what's your goal for the next year? Any thoughts in touring the US?

Average age of the band is 19. I'm 19, the oldest member is Liam, 22. We just plan to hit the road for a while. We're all very keen to play a lot more shows. We'd love to tour the US, just need a label over there to help us out.

7. Is there a song on the "Forfeiture" EP that gets a crazy crowd response? What's your favorite song to play live?

'Comforting Our Thoughts in Our Continuous Blue' is easily the crowd favorite, Always an amazing response. My favorite live is definitely 'The Only Virtue'.

8. What's your take on illegal music downloading?

It's awesome. I do it. Who doesn't? If it's a band I actually like, I'll always go and buy the cd.

9. What are you guys currently listening to?

At the moment, I'm listening to:
Misery Signals - Controller, The Ghost Inside - Fury And The Fallen Ones, Shai Hulud - Misanthropy Pure, Bjork - Greatest Hits

10. What's next for House Vs Hurricane?

We're about to do a national tour with a band called Mourning Tide from Queensland. We've got a couple of other tours lined up for the rest of the year through Australia. We just released our CD in Japan too.

11. Any shoutouts?

Hi Mum.
Thanks alot Mike.

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