-Interview- Consider The Thief 6/20/08

Consider The Thief

Genre: Screamo/ Alternative rock comparable to Thrice
Interviewed on: 6/20/08
From: Sacramento, CA


1. What are your names and roles in the band?

Zack- Bass/Vocals
Jordan- Guitar/Vocals
Dryw- Guitar/Keys/Vocals
Sean- Guitar
Luke- Drums

2. The sound of Consider The Thief is very different from "the norm" is now, what influences you guys in terms of songwriting?

I would not say our EP sounds very different from a lot of music in our genre. During the writing process, we were very much influenced by our contemporaries. I believe this is evident through the Music. Its cool, however, to hear that our music has distinguishable aspects; I certainly hope that will intensify in future releases. In respect to a few of the artists who had influence on the EP- Botch, As Cities Burn, Thrice, The Receiving End of Sirens, and Circa Survive all had profound roles to play.

3. We saw that you're cool with Eyes Set To Kill, how did that friendship form?

In previous bands, we had played concerts with them. I guess a camaraderie formed between us, as we are two bands in the same place- albeit they are more accomplished than we. Nonetheless, they have always been very kind to us, and are a fun group to be around. It's nice to meet a group of down-to-earth musicians, as there is a lot of self-importance found among artists in our general genre.

4. Are there any plans of doing a national tour?

Right now, we do not have a national tour booked. Extensive touring is a goal of ours, however. We are currently writing a full-length album to have a larger repertoire when we to tour nationally.

5. You guys have a show coming up with another band we interviewed (The Subtle Way), did you ever play alongside them before?

Yes, they too are very cool, down-to-earth guys. We have played several concerts with them, and found them to be a talented bunch.

6. What's the song you guys play that has the best crowd response?

Come to think of it, I'm really not sure! Different songs seem to stimulate different people. I have noticed a pretty consistent crowd response to all the songs, although the harder parts of "Soldiers and Saints" seem to move a few heads.

7. Have you guys been writing anything for a possible album after this latest one.

Absolutely. We are thrilled to say we will be recording it this November.

8. What are you currently listening to?

Me? Haha, Evol Intent, as I write this.

9. What's next for Consider The Thief?

Lots of writing, learning, recording, and playing.

10. Any shoutouts?

Yes: you for interviewing us. Also, I sincerely thank anyone who has listened to and supported us thus far. Your support means the world to us and enables us to do what we do. Please stay with us! Haha!

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