(Bastardized Recordings)
Genre: Metalcore akin to Walls Of Jericho mixed with old Boysetsfire.
Interviewed on: 12/11/07
From: Berlin, Germany
1. What are your names and roles in the band?
Farewell to Words are:
Katha & Mo – vox
Basti & Claus - guitars
Martin - bass guitar
Leroy - drums
2. How did you come up with the name Farewell To Words?
Finding a name we all were comfortable with was quite difficult. Our former guitarist suggested “Farewell to Words” and we all felt very happy with it.
3. You have both female and male lead vocals, how did that come about?
By coincidence! Really! Our first female singer came to one of our practices just to improvise a bit – and because it turned out so great, we decided to include her into our lineup!
4. Being from Germany, are there any Germany-based bands we should check out?
A lot : Days In Grief, Empty Trash, Maintain, Monrose, The Ocean, War From A Harlots Mouth and many more…
5. How did you hook up with Bastardized Recordings?
The heard our first songs on MySpace and contacted us. Our management then got into negotiations and managed the deal. Happened quite fast and easy, in fact!
6. Any good show stories?
Which band doesn’t have such stories? A nice one is the episode, where Mo wanted to “drink” the mic, because he mistook it for the bottle of water he held in his other hand. At a show in Poland, Claus disappeared in a hole in the stage.
7. What's your favorite song to play live and why?
I’m not sure if there is a favorite song… And if there is, it probably differs for everyone in the band. Usually the newest song is the one we like to play most, because we’re so eager to test the audiences response!
8. If you could tour with any three acts, who would they be?
Busta Rhymes, Michael Jackson and Placido Domingo.
9. What are you currently listening to?
That’s pretty much impossible to answer. Everyone in our band has a very different taste concerning music. For me it’s the current Machine Head and the Fair To Midland album.
10. What's next for Farewell To Words?
The next big thing for us would be to record an album next year. If all turns out well, the album should hit the stores in 2008. We already have several songs we’re really eager to record and get out there.
11. Any shoutouts?
Greetz to all the long-haired/short-haired/pierced/unpierced/straight-edge/meat-eating/gay/lesbian/straight/pretty/ugly/young/old/whatever fans out there, that like our music!