-Interview- Emarosa 12/22/07

(Rise Records)

Genre: Metal/Screamo akin to As Cities Burn or Underoath.
Interviewed on: 12/22/07
From: Lexington, KY


1. What are your names and roles in the band?

Will Sowers-bass, ER White-guitar, Jonas Ladaker-guitar, Jonny Craig-Vocals, Lukas Keszuski-Drums, and Jordan Stewart-Keys

2. Does the name "Emarosa" have any meaning behind it?

The name Emarosa stands for the music we make and the group we are. When choosing the name Emarosa we were looking for something that better represented the music we had been creating and the growth we felt we had accomplished as people and musicians, and Emarosa just fit perfectly.

3. Johnny from Dance Gavin Dance joined the band not too long ago, hows it been so far?

Jonny has been more than we could have ever asked for. He brings to the table a uniqueness and talent level that we could have never reached before and his dedication level is at even with the rest of us. We have strived for a unique, energetic, melodic sound for a long time now, and i believe we are all finally happy at what we are playing and creating.

4. How did you hook up with Rise Records?

Rise had always been something we had connections with, being our first ever tour in July 06 being with The Devil Wears Prada, but it had never really been something we thought we would want. After writing "This Is Your Way Out" and posting a short preview clip online, Craig from Rise contacted us that week i believe, and we had a contract just a few days later.

5. Can we expect a full length anytime soon?

YES. We are currently at home in Lexington, KY finishing up writing the full length. Its about half way done and i dont think we could be any happier with what its turning out to be. I think we all agree its alot more mature in many ways, and its something we are finally proud to show everyone.

6. Any good show stories?

I think every show has its stories, but the most recent would have to be on our way to MN from WI where our van broke down shortly after hitting a tire and dead dear in the road. Waiting for two hours in negative god knows what weather, then taking a taxi and towtruck to a repair shop where we found the van was dead, calling some friends, and cramming 7 people and all the equipment we could into a very small suv to travel the rest of the way to the show that night in minneapolis, talk about showing up in style :b haha.

7. What's your favorite song to play live and why?

I think we all love playing new songs live the best, mainly because we are so proud of the new music we are creating for the full length and we love to show progress and growth as musicians, but nothing beats hearing kids sing along to a song that they already know :)

8. If you could tour with any three acts, who would they be?

Goodness, there are way too many to name. And too many different musical diversities in this band to make this answer correct, but if i could guess it would be The Cure, Cursive, or Thursday.

9. What are you currently listening to?

As i said, we are quite the diverse group of guys, but here's a few that get played in the van quite often right now; The Cure, Craig David, As Cities Burn, PMToday, Fear Before The March Of Flames, Cursive and Paramore.

10. What's next for Emarosa?

Well we are working hard each and everyday finishing up the writing for the full length. We will be playing spot dates here and there up until March when we record the record through April with Kris Krummett. Then we wont be leaving the road with supporting tours for the next year at least. Then who knows :)

11. Any shoutouts?

We'd love thank each and every one of our parents, who we would be nowhere without them. Each and every band we've ever toured and or played with over the past year specifically Sky Eats Airplane, A Skylit Drive, AKissForJersey, The Devil Wears Prada, Sleep City Sleep, and anyone and everyone that has ever shown or given us any sort of support througout this journey so far, whether it be leaving some encouraging words online, or giving up your floors and homes at night for us to sleep :) And of course to each and everyone of our fans, whom make all the long drives and double cheese burgers worth while :)

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