-Interview- And Then There Were None 12/5/07

And Then There Were None

Genre: Metalcore comparable to As I Lay Dying.
Interviewed on: 12/5/07
From: Salem, New Hampshire


1. What are your names and roles in the band?

Sean plays guitar, Ryan plays drums, Matt M. plays synthesizer and strings and I sing. We program a lot of our music with a computer now (including bass), so we named our bass player Mac.

2. How did the band come about?

Sean and I have always been in bands, but we started ATTWN in 2004 as our first, very serious project.

3. Being from New Hampshire, how is the scene there compared to other places?

New Hampshire is a great scene, its also very competitive. There are a lot of bands working hard and I think that it’s a good thing. We are also lucky to have NH Booking, who has changed music in this area drastically. We love a bunch of other areas, and have actually become pretty good friends with some promoters and kids on a personal level.

4. The song "With The Stars" is very catchy and seems very personal, how did the song come about?

Thanks, that song was written a few days before we went to PA to record our last EP. My father had recently passed away and I wanted to write a song that would pay tribute to his life as a greatly respected teacher. I would say that is one of the most sincere songs ATTWN has ever written.

5. How is the new album coming along?

Things are going really well. For the first time, I feel like we have found our own sound. As a band, we have been spending hours recording and writing, and finally taken a break from touring and playing shows. We are all anxious to start playing our new material live though…

6. Any good show stories?

Last year, at a Halloween show, the promoter really wanted the bands to dress up. We stink at being funny so we asked Sean to get us all costumes with what little money we had. He bought a bunch of discount moustaches and when we put them on (as we were on stage) Ryan pointed out that they were “Hitler” moustaches so we freaked and ripped them off…. That was pretty awkward I guess haha

7. What's your favorite song to play live and why?

I really don’t have a favorite, I like anytime people are singing and having a good time. Nothing makes me feel better than seeing people smiling and honestly enjoying our set.

8. If you could tour with any three acts, who would they be?

Falling Cycle, Journey and Basshunter. Metal, rock and dance.

9. What are you currently listening to?

Lately, I have been listening to a lot of Bayside and Anberlin, but I think Basshunter is open on my ipod right now…

10. What's next for And Then There Were None?

Once we finish writing a solid amount of material, we plan on going back to touring and playing a lot of shows again. We are really stoked about our new material and our new live setup and we are going to tour it hard.

11. Any shoutouts?

My shoutout goes to you Mike, thanks a lot for the interview.

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