-Interview- Before The Torn 11/5/07

Before the Torn

Interviewed on: 11/5/07
From: Lisbon, Portugal


1. What are your names and roles in the band?

Well, our roles are much more than these ones but basically we are:

Guilherme Henriques - Vocals
Bernardo Gavino - Drums
João Cruz - Guitar Solo
Bruno Matos - Bass
Nuno Marques - Lead Guitar

2. From Portugal, how is the music scene over there?

Well we've been watching it grow more and more, with bands like TwentyInchBurial, Men Eater, Blacksunrise, For The Glory etc...going outside the country, but still, only a very small part of our population actually buys the cd's and really support the underground scene...having a metal/hardcore band is still a hobby, and so, impossible to make it a full-time job...for now.

3. Where is your favorite place to play? Why?

Well as long as it has the proper conditions to play, and kids singing along, our favorite place will be there, right next to you! The fans make the shows great or not so great, not really the place itself...

4. Have you ever played out of the country? If so, where and how was it?

Well, we haven't had that chance yet, but pretty soon we hope to go around Europe and tour with everyone...I’m sure it would be pretty awesome.

5. The song "Bleeding For Better Days" seems to have very personal lyrics. How did that song come about?

Well I wrote the lyrics thinking in all those fucked up moments, of our lives, where only the hope of better days coming will save you from the black hole where lots of people fall into...it also talks about rejuvenation and rebirth...

6. How’s the full length coming? When can we expect it?

It’s coming great we are very excited with the new album, well I think everyone can see by themselves when you hear the new song on our myspace, the new album will be much more heavy, more technical, and still very melodic...its normal that people might not relate to the sound at first, because now we have new members so it’s normal that the songs sound different from the EP.

7. What's your favorite song to play live and why?

Well, it’s been awesome to play our new material, fresh new songs are always very cool to show to the kids, with all this crazy new stuff we’re making, but the old songs with the fans singing along...nothing can compare to that.

8. If you could tour with any three acts, who would they be?

Well we all have very different favorite bands and influences, but personally I would say, In Flames, Killswitch Engage and Parkway Drive.

9. What are you currently listening to?

Well I’ve been listening to a whole bunch of new albums that got out recently...Himsa, Parkway Drive, Agonyscene, Dead Reprise, Maroon, Comeback Kid, The Chariot…I could stay here forever...

10. What does the future hold for Before The Torn?

Well, right now we just finished recording a 3 song demo pre-production from the album, that we will send worldwide to dozens of labels and press, and see if some record gets interested in us, and see if we can get some more attention from the press...

11. Any shoutouts?

Check out these Portuguese bands, we need more outside fans!!
www.myspace.com/fortheglory - best European hardcore
www.myspace.com/meneaterdoom - stoner/sludge/rock
and of course us!

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