-Interview- I Would Set Myself On Fire For You 1/22/07

I Would Set Myself On Fire For You
(Stik Figure Records)
Interviewed on: 1/22/07


1. What are your names and roles in the band.


Stephen Matthew Newhouse - Guitar, Vocals, Sexappeal
Paul Myron Hobson - Drums, Drum Machines, Science
Lindsey Leigh Harbour - Viola, Vocals, Sass
Justin Karl Lane - Bass, Vocals, Beards
Tyler Dale Walters - Keyboards, Synth, Vocals, Ill timed jokes

Your new album "Believing In Patterns" is a different direction than your previous album, how would you explain that?


I would'nt say that "Believes In Patterns" is a different direction as much as it is a logical progression. The first record was done years ago and it was a representation of everyone's lives and feelings at the time. The new record is just who we are today. Its like anything else; it changes as you change. There was a lot of time between the records and a lot happened in that time.

How did you hook up with Stikfigure Records?


Gavin who runs Stickfigure is an Atlanta legend. He has been an important part of the Atlanta "scene" for years. He put out the first record because he liked what he heard and when it came time to do the next one - he was without a doubt the only person we would let do it.

Any plans to hit the road?


Not right now but who knows what the future holds. Its hard getting five people together to do anything. We all have busy schedules these days and that makes it hard to travel. Paul is in grad school and everyone else has full time jobs.

What's rockin in your Ipods/Cd players?


Milt Jackson, Johanna Newsom, Sonic Youth, Pg. 99, and TOWERS. This summer we only had an AM/FM radio in our van and listened to every classic rock station from Atlanta to Los Angeles.

You've toured all over the US, any good stories from the road?


Hmm...so much happened while we were out on the road. When we were traveling from Berkely, CA to Las Vegas our van broke down in the middle of the desert. It was 120 degrees which sucked a lot. Our friends TOWERS (who we toured the west coast with) pulled up and took Justin, Paul and Stephen with them while Lindsey and Tyler stayed in the desert waiting for the tow truck. Long story short - we had to spend all of our money getting towed out of the desert. He got the tow truck driver to drop the van off at the venue and made it just in time to play. He hadnt unloaded the van from the truck and we were already loading our gear inside to set up. It was a great show and then Tyler won $400 in a casino.

You guys play a lot of house shows I've noticed, is that something that your guys cherish on the road? Or would you rather play somewhere bigger?


House shows are the best shows. Playing in someone's house creates an energy and a closeness that no venue will ever be able to achieve. Playing on the floor with the crowd close to you creates an environment that is unmatched. Venues put too much emphasis on the band - the stage, the lights, the soundsystem serves to seperate the band from the fans. We arent into that - we love being face to face with people - sweating togeher, dancing together and being able to connect with them. We would choose someones basement, kitchen, bedroom or attic over a "real" venue any day.

Your album art is very unique, who designed it?


Stephen did it - he is an amazingly talented artist. He designs most everything.

9. What does the future hold for the band?


Who knows? We certainly dont. Hopefully good things.

10. Any shoutouts?

Shout outs to all the great people in this world who have said nice things to us, came out to shows, sang along, fed us, clothed us, let us sleep on thier floor and cared about us in any way shape or form. It means more than anyone will ever know.

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