-Interview- Cast The First Stone 12/31/05

Cast The First Stone
(Middle T Records)
Interviewed on: 12/31/05

1. What is your names and your role in the band?

Chris-Drums, Stu-Vox, Pat-Bass, Jesse-guitar, Dave-guitar

2. You just recently got signed to Middle T Records, what does it feel like to finally get picked up by a label?

We've been around for 3 years or so and have had a few offers but this one is nice cause we're all in Raleigh and the studio is in Raleigh so it works great for all of our schedules. The label has been totally nice to us so far so we expect great things to happen in 2006 with our new album coming out and touring with Across Five Aprils.

3. You've played shows with Evergreen Terrace, Hand To Hand and Across Five Aprils, what is your favorite band to play beside?

We really enjoy playing with Hand To Hand, those guys are just wicked nice and we always have a great time playing with them. Of course Evergreen Terrace rocks and we love A5A. We've been listening to them for so long it's awesome we can actually play shows with them. But, we love any band who can get up there and put on a great show and just have fun doing what they love most, rocking.

4. You came from North Carolina, a hot spot for hardcore and different variations of it, how does it feel to have the same home as some heavy hitters?

Well there's definitely alot of great bands that have come out of NC and we're just glad to be a part of the hardcore scene here. We all totally love Beloved and BTBAM. Major influences to us in the band.

5. What's in your CD player right now?


6. If there's one band you would like to see reunite who would it be and why?

Beloved! Cause they are just the best fucking band ever.

7. Is there any pre show ritual that you guys do before you go on?

Drink, fight, fuck!

8. What is your favorite place to play and why?

In Raleigh I would have to say The Brewery just cause we know everyone there. The owner, all the kids who come out to shows, it just feels like home to us and we'll play there as much as we can.

9. What does the future hold for Cast The First Stone?

Only time will tell, but with us now dedicating our lives to touring I can tell you only good things will come of it. We're all really good friends and have known each other for years so it's gonna be fun, that's for sure.

10. Any shoutouts?

Just to our label Middle T and Jamie King. We appreciate all the work they both have done for us in the past and look forward to working with them in the future.

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